Chapter 13: Family Heals

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Calista smiled meekly as she was met with Mundok's angry scowl. 

"Why did Han-dae return with the medicine AND the money I gave him?! And if you went with him, how come you are only coming back just now?!"

She honestly was surprised the rest of the villagers hadn't woken up at the sound of his berating. Then again, the sun hadn't yet risen, and she was willing to bet that yesterday had tired out the Wind Tribe in its entirety. 

It had taken her all night to get back to Fuuga on foot. She fared pretty well, having not been critically injured in the fight that had taken place last night, but she had absolutely no energy for this conversation. 

Calista yawned, but tried to conceal it behind a cough. 

She wasn't entirely successful.

She laughed nervously, glancing at Hak for help, who was just throwing back her earlier 'don't look at me' gesture. 

The raven-haired girl shot him a glare when their grandpa wasn't looking and her brother just rolled his eyes in response, finding this oddly amusing.

"Ah, Elder Mundok!" The elder and Calista both turned towards the sound, meeting a cheerful, barely healed, much more alive Han-dae. "Calista probably traded a fight for Tae-yeon's medicine!"

The fearless assassin didn't even get a chance to glower at the now sheepish Han-dae as Mundok's eye pierced her soul. 

Hak's face blanked as his brain short-circuited. He really didn't think she would go back after what happened last time. 

Calista withered under the red aura that surrounded the elder. "Uh... I can explain."

"You better!!" He thundered, absolutely furious. "You were to never go back!! You swore to me you wouldn't!! We had money to cover the expenses, there was no reason for you to do that!!"

"I had to." Her grey eyes never looked so clear with conviction, and Mundok ceased his rage. 

"They were going to find me anyway now that I'm no longer tied to Soo-won. By seeking them out first, they'll be under the impression that I am the same as I was before. I can use that to my advantage. Besides, save the money for your future endeavors. I have a feeling you're going to need it." Calista warned cryptically.

Mundok growled, stalking towards her threateningly, but Calista stood her ground. She looked him bravely in the eye. "I finally found people worth protecting, Grandpa. People I chose." 

That made him stop in his tracks. 

Her eyes found Tae-yeon, who was walking carefully with help from Yona a little ways away up the hill. They darted to Tae-woo as he flicked a guilty-looking Han-dae on the forehead and darted to her brother's tall figure before landing back on Mundok.

Calista raised her head high. "Let me fight for them."

He was utterly speechless.

"You called me Grandpa..." He had never heard her call him that, it was always 'elder', or 'old man'. 

Calista flashed him a lopsided smile. "Don't get used to it, old man."

Ah, there it was.

Mundok groaned, slapping an exasperated hand against his forehead, and she shouldered past him until she was directly in front of Hak. 

"Let me see." Her brother demanded, instinctively reaching for her arm, but hastily pulled back when she moved away from him. He internally groaned. He really needed to start remembering that she was sensitive to that.

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