10K Special: Campfire Talks [Part 5/7]

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Words for this part: 3.9k

They had spent the rest of the day doing various activities, being their last day on their little vacation. Calista helped Shin-ah get stronger with his swimming, which by the end of their second lesson, he had made immense progress. Yona spent some time with Yoon, though that was short-lived because the two soon had to break up Hak, Jae-ha and Kija as another fight was instigated.

Luna had rolled over onto her back, clapping her fins gleefully when she spotted Hak chasing after Jae-ha with Kija not far behind him. Speckles shimmied over to a sunny spot, and promptly closed his eyes, falling asleep within seconds.

Zeno laughed joyously from the sidelines, driving his feet up in the air with Ao perched on his shoulder. A multi-colored parrot flew over and landed on the yellow dragon's head, much to his delight.

Shin-ah ambled over to him curiously, water dripping off of his body as he stared curiously at the creature.

While Zeno chatted animatedly to the blue dragon, Calista took a seat beside Yona as the sun went down. The girls helped Yoon gather what he needed for dinner, then talked with each other until their throats were sore from laughing.

When night had fallen, they were all called in for dinner by none other than the genius pretty boy. Hak broke out a bottle of alcohol he had gotten in exchange for a short sword back in the Fire Tribe.

His sister's idea had worked, reopening the trade between the villages as they started to get back on their feet. He had been saving the bottle for a special occasion when they all got a chance to relax, and there was no time like the present.

Dinner was polished off quickly, and was followed by easy conversation and secrets spilled as a result of the liquid courage. The only ones who didn't drink were the fighter and the youngest boy.

"Wait, so let me get this straight, Calista dear." Jae-ha leaned forward, resting his elbow elegantly on his leg. "You were in Awa before."

He was the least affected by the alcohol, having a tolerance that rivaled Hak's and she was pretty impressed.

She grinned, leaning her head against Shin-ah's shoulder. "Yup, that's right. Our grandpa took us there when we were kids."

Hak took a sip of his alcohol. "Yeah... We got lost really fast."

"That was your fault!!"

"Oh, really? Who wanted to go exploring?"


"... You might be right."

Yona giggled as the siblings bickered back and forth, rosy cheeks flushed with the effects of the alcohol. It reminded her of what it was like when they were children and she quickly sobered up, eyes growing sad.

Calista pointed between Jae-ha and Hak, eyes mischievous. "You know, you two have met once before, right?"

They both stared at her blankly and her expression cleared. "Don't tell me you don't remember it?!"

Zeno rested his hands behind his head, tipsy from his drink. "Miss Notch has to explain it to Ryokuryuu and the Mister!! They have bad memories!!"

The two fearsome warriors sputtered in protest at the boy's cheer and she rolled over laughing her heart out at how ridiculous they looked.

As her chuckles died down she got the chance to explain. "We were little, back when Mundok had first found me and the Wind Tribe family took me in. He had Hak and I, along with Tae-woo and Han-dae. They are younger than us by a couple years."

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