Extra: The Girls Are Freezing [Oneshot]

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Calista and Yona wandered back to the freshwater stream they all had collected water from earlier. It had been ages since either of them had had a proper bath.

They had thought about taking the villagers down there, but the walk was far and the river was freezing cold. If anything, it would just make them sick and endanger their health even more.

But that didn't mean that they couldn't bathe.

After Calista told the group where they would be for the afternoon, Jae-ha made a move to follow them as soon as their backs were turned. He was tackled to the ground by Shin-ah and Hak immediately.

He chuckled, rolling out from underneath the two men who were both fuming, having no real intention to spy on the girls while they were bathing. He could tell Hak was aggravated, plain as day. The former general was gripping his glaive so hard that he wouldn't be surprised if it broke.

For Shin-ah, one look at him told Jae-ha all he needed to know. His body was taut and his face was stoic.

Propping up his knee, he tossed his long, green ponytail over his shoulder.

"Why Shin-ah, don't you want to join them? I'm sure Calista dear would be very happy to have you protect her from the many wild animals and—"

He brought up his leg to block Hak's strike to his head.

The Thunder Beast's gaze had gone dark. "Watch yourself, Droopy-Eyes."

He picked up on the green dragon's insinuation with little to no problem, but the blue dragon had his head tilted to the side in confusion.

Jae-ha clicked his tongue, riling up the ex-general even further. "But don't you want to know what Yona dear looks like when water is dripping off of her shoulders down to her—"

Hak attacked him again, and they were engaged in a skirmish until Yoon harshly broke them up, lecturing their ears off.

But Shin-ah was completely worried, taking the green dragon's previous words to heart. He was lost in his thoughts, worrying about whether or not they would really be in trouble if he wasn't there.

Zeno sensed his distress and skipped over to him. "Don't worry, Seiryuu!! Both the Misses will be safe!! Come play with Hakuryuu and Zeno!!"

Down at the river, the cool water was refreshing after a sweltering morning and the girls splashed in the knee-high water playfully. They took turns washing each other's backs, and Yona was extremely gentle when going over the fighter's scars.

"Are they healing?"

She couldn't tell. She wished she had Yoon's expertise to be able to heal.

Calista reached behind her to run her fingers over the raised skin. According to Shin-ah, it was no longer red but pink with new skin. She would carry the marks for the rest of her life, but it no longer mattered.

A soft smile spread across her face as she remembered Hani's liveliness and bubbly laughter.

I won't forget about the life that was saved.

Once they were done, it was then that Yona realized she didn't have a towel.

"Here." Calista thrust out her cloak, not bothered by the way her clothes stuck to her wet skin. "Use the inside of this to dry off."

Yona took it hesitantly, but didn't make a move to do so. "But, won't you be cold?"

Shaking her head, the girl shook her long, black hair, getting water everywhere. The princess shrieked as the majority of it landed on her and they both burst into giggles.

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