Chapter 162: Love's Stakes and Consequences

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Shortly after Yona had exited the baths, Calista got out and followed her, only bothering to grab a towel and robe as she left to make sure she was okay.

She left so hastily that the assassin was left wondering if everything was alright.

Roughly toweling off the ends of her hair so that water was no longer dripping off the ends of it, Calista walked in silence behind Yona, her footsteps so light that she didn't make a sound.

"Calista, can I ask you something?"

She looked up at the princess fidgeting nervously on one of the vacant walkways that connected the baths to the hotel. They were heading back to the room Lili had set up for them in order to change into a fresh pair of clothes and she was looking forward to inhaling the hibiscus and tiger lily scent that seemed to cling to everything around here.

It was rather refreshing.

"Of course." Calista answered evenly, hastening a bit to fall in step beside her. "What's on your mind?"

Twiddling her thumbs, Yona slowed her stride until she halted just before they entered the hotel.

Calista raised an eyebrow curiously, wondering what was with all the secrecy.

Maybe she's feeling uneasy by only having me as her protector with the others gone...

No, I don't think that's it.

From here, they were well out of earshot of the other girls as well as any other company, and they both paused on the bridge arching over the small stream that flowed by.

It wasn't the only way to get back to the hotel but it was the quietest way. With almost no other foot traffic, nothing disrupted the serene calm of the hot springs.

A single cherry blossom tree older than both of them swayed in the breeze, leaves and soft petals floating down until they fell on top of the water, making it ripple lightly upon contact.

Yona's bright red hair, fresh and clean, barely skimmed the top of her shoulders as she leaned to rest her elbows daintily on top of the smooth wooden railing and gazed off into the distance. Her silk robe billowed around her ankles but that small frown on her features looked out of place.

She hesitated, her lavender eyes clouded with conflicted emotions. "It's about... you and Shin-ah..."

"Yes?" Calista prompted softly, encouraging her to say whatever was on her mind. Internally, she was screaming.

It wasn't that she wasn't nervous, she always got a bit apprehensive when the blue dragon was brought up. Her heart would start to beat faster and she would occasionally stumble over her words but this was just Yona.

She wouldn't judge her.

Not even if she managed to make a love-sick fool out of her normally composed self. This was what Shin-ah did to her.

Not that she could blame him. He was too soft.

Aw man, I miss him already and it hasn't even been an hour. Calista groaned to herself, inwardly whacking herself to get a grip already since Yona was clearly struggling with what to say.

The princess paused before she brought up the question she had lingering in her mind since they had been getting ready in the dressing room together. Back when all she could think about was a certain cobalt-eyed bodyguard as she stared at her reflection in the mirror, pondering where to go from here.

"... Do you love each other?" Yona asked her, turning to look at her.

The response was automatic.

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