Thanksgiving Special: It Doesn't Have To Be Perfect [Oneshot] Modern AU

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"Oh, you've GOT to be KIDDING ME!!!"

Hak rounded the corner of the foyer to find his sister sitting in the middle of it with glitter scattered around her. Munching casually on an apple he undoubtedly stole from Yoon's second pantry, he boredly regarded the girl fuming on the floor.

"Bat-Ears, what the hell are you doing?"

Calista leaped up, hands on her hips and eyes absolutely spitting fire. "First the turkey, and now the decorations, what the hell is next?!"

A loud crash resonated from upstairs cut her off and her nostrils flared as her eyes closed, trying to calm herself down. Her hands were balled into fists at her sides and she was going to lose it if one more thing—

Hak raised an eyebrow. "The caterer said they can't fix their mistake in time for tonight." 

"Ugh, that is it." Calista seethed through gritted teeth.

She stormed off through the doors of their home, not caring how the door slammed behind her.

Hak didn't move from his spot as he watched her march off. He knew she needed some time alone, but he knew the one person that could get to her and as soon as he polished off his apple, he went to go find them.


She lost track of how much time had passed since she fled the house. The endless line of trees that blurred past her as she fled away to her secret spot confused her to no end, but she did not stop until she reached her destination.

The centuries old maple tree could be found at the center of the forest that edged their lands. With its thick branches and dense leaves, the foliage would keep her concealed until she was ready.

She took a seat at the bottom of the looming tree, chewing on her bottom lip as tears stung the back of her eyes. Drawing in her knees close to her chest, Calista debated whether or not to go back.

No, not yet. Not now.

She had already messed it up.

First, the caterer misplaced their order and someone else came in to get it. So not only did they lose a hundred dollars for the food, but now they didn't have anything for tonight. Then, she spilled the food she had tried to make.

Yoon was gone for the time being and no one knew when he would be back.

Thanksgiving hadn't even started and it was already a disaster.

Calista sniffled, furiously wiping her eyes to get rid of the tears of frustration as she felt a familiar wind whip around her body, stirring up the autumn leaves below.

"Did you need something?"

He stepped out of the shadows, coming around to her side and sitting down beside her.

"No, no, just wanted to make sure you were alright, Calista dear."

She snorted, jaw locking as she tried to hold back from snapping at him. Jae-ha didn't deserve that kind of treatment and she there was no way she could forgive herself if she took out her anger on him.

But she needed some space.

"Just leave me alone for awhile. I don't want to talk."

Jae-ha studied her critically, but kept an open mind. "Mind if I stay anyway? I won't say anything."

Calista shrugged, not having any energy or willpower to refuse him. If he wanted to stay, fine.

I don't believe I'm very good company right now, but you do what you want.

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