Chapter 42: Game Changer

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They were back on the ship. All of them, even Yona, had offered to carry her back but Calista declined their offers. She knew the fighters were still watching and to show weakness now would make everything she'd been working for null and void. Once they were on board, the pirates swarmed around her in concern, catching sight of the blood on her cheek, and she was feeling a bit overwhelmed.

Hak hung back, wanting to do one final sweep of the area to make sure those guys were really gone, and the hyperactive princess begged to go with him. He tried refusing, but the strong-willed girl was not swayed. Eventually, she won her overprotective bodyguard over, but he stayed by her side the entire time.

Apparently, Jae-ha had gotten back with Yona a short while ago when they heard sounds of a scuffle. Hak led the others to check it out and that's when they found her in the midst of a brawl with four men. Jae-ha was going to come with, but the Thunder Beast stopped him without any explanation. The only reason why he broke off from them was because of Captain Gi-gan's order, or else he would've been there too.

He didn't understand why it was so difficult for him to pry himself away from Yona.

Aish, that girl is truly troublesome...

Calista reached behind her, untying her mask. Her lips were pressed in a hard line, chest starting to heave as the reality of what just happened started to catch up with her. Counting in her head to keep herself calm, she wasn't aware that someone was talking to her.

"How is it that when you're always alone, you manage to get hurt?" This was beyond Yoon's comprehension. His tone sounded exasperated. "It's like you're a beacon for all the bad luck in the world!!"

Calista grinned sheepishly at him, but he was having none of it.

"Don't be too hard on her, Yoon." Yona's delicate voice floated through the air as she and Hak returned, cutting off the boy's usual berating. 

Kija demanded, "Why didn't you fight back?"

Calista shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, then hissed in pain when Yoon pressed harder than he needed to on her cut out of frustration. He was cleaning the one on her face, and it stung harshly as the antiseptic came in contact. She brushed off the throbbing on her left arm. Those slashes couldn't be tampered with right now. 

"That wasn't the point." Calista explained, sighing heavily. "Killing them wouldn't have done anything. Those fighters would have just been replaced by others with worse intentions."

Calista winced as he moved to press a cloth against her middle, shying away from him instinctively. Yoon's brow knitted in concern, retracting slightly to look her in the eye. 

"I need to see how bad it is."

But she shook her head violently, not wanting him to see. She hadn't had the courage to lift up her shirt yet and see how bad it was. There was no way he was going to before she got a chance to assess it.

"Calista, just let the boy take a look." Hak tried to persuade her. Judging by the way it was contorted in pain, things weren't good. He thought he saw a flash of crimson that matted her hair, but he wasn't sure because then, it was gone. 

Calista backed away shakily, bumping into Kija. He touched her shoulder, but recoiled once the girl in front of him flinched away. He started to bow repeatedly, apologizing profusely for his actions. She bit her lip, trying to suppress the smile, but couldn't help it. 

A bark of laughter took everyone by surprise.

"It's alright, Kija." Calista reassured him softly, strangely touched by his innocent gesture. It was meant to comfort her, and she recognized his intention behind it even after her body reacted. She appreciated it more than she could convey in the moment.

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