Chapter 168: Flames of Resilience

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Lili was shocked at the hardened expression on Yona's face. It was one that she had never seen on her before. One that told her that she truly believed that she could do it.

This girl who was younger than her was standing up in the face of adversity and facing it head on.

There wasn't anything more courageous than that.

The hot tears stopped rolling down her cheeks as it registered, and even though her eyes were red and puffy, Lili didn't protest anymore. The strength that was practically radiating off of this red-haired girl even though her hands were shaking captivated her attention and wouldn't let go.


Yona straightened her shoulders as she faced her opponent standing between her and Calista, raising the heavy steel higher. Forcing her hands to stop trembling, her fingers curled around the hilt tighter and her eyes narrowed.

For my friends.

Channeling her inner strength spun together with all the voices of the people she held most dear to her, she spoke.

"You can't have any of them." Yona declared without an ounce of fear or hesitation, eyes flashing with anger directed over the man's shoulder and towards Hiyou who didn't bat an eye at her ferocity. "Now give Calista and Tetora back."

Calista grimaced, straining against the iron hold on her and bit back a hiss of pain as cool metal cut deeper into her neck in punishment for her resistance.

Yona, stop!! She pleaded inwardly. Please!! You're going to get yourself killed!!

"Don't you dare move." The one on her right side ordered with a malicious glint in his eye, his nails digging into her upper arm and she flinched away from him as it drew blood, her teeth sinking into her lower lip to bite back a cry of pain.

But when the man's hold on her left side squeezed her bicep purposefully, she froze.

"Wait." Came a quiet, rough hiss and Calista's heart rate sped up as the gruff voice washed over her being.

No way.

She stilled obediently but her eyes followed Yona's gaze until it locked on her. Her heart thrummed harder.

Meanwhile, the man in front of Yona wasn't at all amused by this silly little girl trembling while wielding a sword that was clearly too heavy for her. "You cheeky little... !!"

The bodyguard threatening the princess surged towards her, taking advantage of her momentary distraction.

Or so he thought.

"Who do you think you can protect?!" He yelled at her, swinging violently for her head. "You're already at your limit defending against my attacks!!!"

Yona pivoted shakily on her feet, eyes warily darting to the men watching from the sidelines and waiting for them to sneak up on her but they didn't. It seemed like Hiyou decided she wasn't worth the trouble.


Hiyou watched the skirmish coolly, his eyes narrowed in contemplation as this red-haired girl repeatedly dodged his guard's attacks. She was on the cusp of being overwhelmed but when his men started forth, he raised a hand to stop them.

A slow smirk spread across his face as he scrutinized her. She wasn't on the same level as the other one, but she showed promise.

Such a shame she had to be killed.

When the next strike came, Yona heaved her sword up to block it. She cried out as she was forced down, the gap in their physical strength too great for her to bear. Her arms trembled with the effort to keep him from cutting her when she quickly realized she wouldn't be able to push him off by herself.

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