Chapter 110: Everything's Interconnected

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As Hak left with Jae-ha to go ask to borrow some horses from the castle, well, more like steal them, Shin-ah tucked his knees up to his chest and rested his chin on top. Casually, he observed Calista as she hesitantly let Yoon check on her wound.

Still wary of anyone besides Shin-ah treating her injuries, it was hard to get her to accept any help from any one of them. Thankfully, she had gradually come to trust the youngest with seeing her in such a vulnerable state and allowed him to tend to them without much of a fight but the initial distrust never faded.

She and Yona returned not too long ago, but their elevated voices carried pretty far. Still, none of the guys poked their noses into the girls' business, actively choosing to respect the private conversation that had taken place.

They had both seemed to be okay, which was really all they were concerned about.

A tiny smile curved on the edge of Shin-ah's mouth as the pretty boy whacked the assassin over the head for refusing the senjusou he had tried to give her earlier, viciously scolding her for not letting him apply it.

But the girl just tossed her head back, bright laughs escaping her uncontrollably.

Yoon smacked her on the uninjured arm for not listening to him, volume increasing until he was imitating a shrill mother who had just caught her child stealing sweets before dinner.

Everything going in one ear and out the other.

As Calista grinned widely despite the sharp reprimanding she was receiving from an extremely worried Yoon, Yona lifted her skirt over her ankles to settle down beside him.

"Here," She handed him a bowl of food. "You need to keep your strength up."

They wouldn't have a chance to eat dinner later, so now was the best time.

Shin-ah accepted it with a nod of thanks, bringing it down to rest on his knees. He dug in almost immediately, feeding Ao bits of food between bites.

Yona casted a sad look at the crimson stain seeping through the white bandages wound around her friend's arm as she was tended to by the youngest, who had finally slapped on the medicinal herb, no longer listening to the nonsense the fighter was spouting out about saving it for future use.

Lowering her head, she whispered, "I wish she wasn't hurt."

I wish I was stronger. I want to protect my friends...

Shin-ah's head straightened up at the guilt in her voice and he rushed to explain himself. "I... I didn't want her to get hurt."

Shaking her head so fast that the hood she had just put up fell down once more, Yona reassured him hurriedly, "I know that, Shin-ah. I'm not blaming you for it, it's not your fault."

But he couldn't help it. It felt like it. He blamed himself for it. She had gotten hurt while protecting him. When he should have been paying attention. The blood, he hated it. He couldn't stand to see her in pain.

Abandoning his meal as he suddenly lost his appetite, he mumbled sadly but strongly, "I... don't want her to be a shield for me..."

Yona's eyes shone with a depth of understanding that startled him. "I know how you feel, Shin-ah... I know exactly what you mean."

Her eyes found Hak's moment later as the sound of his and Jae-ha's banter echoed through the air. They had returned with four horses in tow. He was currently teasing Kija, a goofy grin on his face.

But when his gaze locked with hers, it felt as though time had stopped.

Her eyes widened and she turned her head away before she could see his reaction. Her face felt like it was on fire. Raising her hands to cover her cheeks, she desperately willed it to die down.

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