Chapter 59: The Dark Dragon and the Happy Hungry Bunch

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It had been a few days since Yona had given out their bandit name and ever since then, they had been clearing out the soldiers terrorizing villagers as if they were mere flies.

Calista wiped off her bloody daggers in the grass, staining the green with crimson. She sheathed them quickly, making her way over to Shin-ah and the others as they collected what they needed from the wounded.

They took swords, daggers, arrows, everything that they could carry and they burned it all, melting the metal for good. None of those weapons could ever be used to hurt people again.

Calista raised her head high to the sky, squinting against the blinding sun in order to pick out the three figures still safely atop of the ravine.

Yona, Yoon and Zeno didn't have a scratch on any of them, having been well out of the danger zone.

For the most part, it was a clean battle. Hak was a beast too quick to be hit by anything, Jae-ha finished up the ones too stunned by Kija in order to fight back and Shin-ah was ruthless, cutting down anything in his path before they had a chance to even think about retaliating.

The only ones who sustained minor injuries were Kija and Calista. Since his fighting style was more offensive than anything else, he got hurt the easiest out of all of them.

And as for the fighter, she just had a habit of darting into her comrades' path if something got too close for her liking.

"You okay?" Hak asked her. She nodded confidently, then winced as a finger poked her shoulder.

Calista flashed the blue dragon a guilty smile as they reunited with the others. But he knew her better than that.

"You're hurt."

She rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly, then bit back a cry of pain as agony shot through the damaged muscle, but a whimper passed through anyways. He stiffened at the sound, brushing over her shoulder gently.

"I'm okay." She reassured him quickly, moving towards Yona's side.

He didn't believe her at all, but he couldn't dwell on it, not with the way their group was organized now.

They had been sweeping the Fire Tribe's borders, clearing out the hostilities by the mass. The villagers were all frightened of them at first, until they realized what they were doing. Now, they certainly weren't thriving, but they were all doing much better than before.

She looked over Yoon and Zeno to make sure they were alright, the first one touched but trying to cover it up with his usual cover of annoyance.

After a few days passed since the fiasco at Katan Village, she noticed the princess was tapping a finger to her chin, the only thing she did when she was thinking about something hard.

The assassin nudged her gently, scanning over her for any injuries she might have missed. The princess caught on fast, letting out a light laugh.

"I'm not hurt, Calista." Yona reassured her easily, waving off her bodyguard whose head whipped towards her in concern. "I just was wondering if it would be fine to be a bandit for once in my life."

"Yona dear, didn't you already give out our bandit name?" Jae-ha asked with an amused twinkle in his eye.

"Oh, that's right."

"What's with that lightness as if you're just changing jobs?!?!" Yoon shouted, irritated. He was the only one who still wasn't completely on board with this ridiculous notion.

He pleaded for her to reconsider what she was doing, trying to convince all of them that they now had to run away or else the Fire Tribe would come and end what they started. Which, he wasn't wrong about. He had a right to be worried.

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