Chapter 129: Rescue Operation

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A huge explosion rocked the arena. Shocked and terrified screams rang out as more bombs went off, covering the whole area in a thick cloud of dust. The crowds of people were thrown into chaos, allowing two figures the chance they needed to slip in undetected through the now dismantled gate.

They were prepared for a fight but once they arrived, the man that stood over the still girl on the ground was gone.

She didn't put up a fight or feel a thing as sturdy arms hooked under her to support her back and legs, lifting her up effortlessly. He clutched her tighter to him, as if he needed to be reassured that she was alive; and then leaped out of the ring under the cover of the heavy fog, weaving effortlessly in and out of the confined space packed with frantic people.

Her head was nestled in the juncture of his shoulder as he ran, his footsteps pounded hard against the dirt despite his best efforts not to make any noise. Breathing hard through the sleek fabric and filtration mask that covered his mouth, he had never been more thankful for one of the pretty boy genius' inventions in his life.

His companion trailing behind him kept pace and an alert eye out for any stragglers that had caught onto them. But they were lucky so far.

"How much farther?" He hissed to the one carrying the girl.

The other didn't spare a glance back, recovering quickly as he stumbled over something laying on the ground.

"... Almost there."

However, the movement jostled the girl in his arms and her brow furrowed before her heavy eyelids cracked open the slightest bit. But they flew open real wide once she saw who it was, blinking her eyes furiously to confirm that this was real.

Blue hair poked out from his hood and a dark fabric covered almost his entire face, but it didn't matter. She would recognize him anywhere. His touch was hot against her cold skin, as if breathing back the life that had been sucked out of her the past couple of days. Little by little, she regained enough energy to move her fingers.

She needed to know. If this was a dream, she wasn't sure she wanted to wake up.

Stretching out her hand to him, she managed to touch the solid, very real, base of his neck, the only expanse of skin she could see through the dust.

Her voice didn't come out any louder than a squeak but he still heard her above all the chaos.

"Shin-ah?!" She cried out, floored at how he was here right now, then caught sight of the man over his shoulder. "Jae-ha!!"

The blue dragon ducked his head down, touching it briefly to hers in a gesture of comfort.

His soft whisper was strained. "I am here."

"Jae-ha..." She whispered feebly, reaching out for him as the cloaked figure crowded them to steer them away from a rampaging noble who had gone blind. "Don't use your leg."

He was startled for a second and his expression tightened but he nodded nonetheless to show he understood.

"We don't have long." The disguised green dragon muttered.

They were hiding in a sheltered corner that bordered where they were keeping the other fighters, away from all the traffic. They had to be getting close to the outskirts. Just a bit more.

Just a little bit longer.

Shin-ah could see through the dust but it was difficult. There were a lot more people than he expected and the bombs going off only served to scatter them in a way that wasn't predictable in the slightest. If he made a mistake and they bumped into someone, then it was over.

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