Chapter 103: Nightwatch

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Hak was positioned by the edge of the roof of the rundown tavern, opting to sit behind the ledge rather than on it like a certain sister of his.

Calista's eyes fluttered close as the breeze blew through her long hair. She had undid it from her makeshift bun held in place by chopsticks Yoon had begrudgingly gave her, letting the long tresses cascade over her shoulders.

Her left leg dangled over the building, her other one propped up to rest her head on.

They were currently tasked with keeping watch, despite Calista and Yoon's furious insistence that Hak should go to bed and let one of the others handle it along with her.

But he wouldn't back down.

He needed to be the first to know if there was any kind of threat coming their way and he didn't trust anybody else but himself to do it. Having done many overnight watches with his sister, he knew what to expect.

Even though it had been awhile, they were able to ease into their old rhythm.

Zeno had somehow talked to the inn's manager upstairs without any of them knowing, snagging them a room for the dragons and younger two to rest and recuperate before it was time for them to switch out positions.

Yoon's jaw had dropped and Yona just giggled when the cheerful boy had thrown up his hands happily and told them that he had found a place for them to sleep at for the night.

After they bid each other a goodnight, the two Son siblings found their way up top, staring off into the night.

"I owe you an apology."

Hak's eyes narrowed in contemplation at the tone of his sister's voice. She sounded defeated. She sounded scared.

"Whatever it is, Bat-Ears." He called out, leaning his head against the structure he was sitting against. "I assure you it probably isn't half as bad as some of the things I've got away with."

That brought a smile to her face and she laughed, swinging around to face him. Her knees bent in front of her, she rested her elbows on her thighs, supporting her chin as she regarded him with a sadness that didn't match her façade of ease.

"Even though that's true, I still feel like I need to apologize."

Hak quirked up an eyebrow, but leaned back, giving her the okay to go ahead and say whatever it was that was weighing on her mind.

Calista paused, sitting up straighter. Her legs extended out in front of her in an attempt to calm her jitters and while she tapped her feet together nervously, her eyebrows creased in concentration.

"I told them about our history. Back at the beach." She blurted out suddenly, beginning to ramble as her guilt caught up to her. "When Soo-won and you and I and Yona all went to the market and then we lost her, well— I mean, we didn't really lose— well technically, actually— shoot, now I don't know—"

"Oy, Bat-Ears. You need to breathe or else you'll pass out and Yoon will kill me."

The joke was missed on her and she nodded frantically, taking in deep gulps of air. He stayed silent as she calmed herself down. Once the color had returned to her cheeks, Hak finally broke the weighted tension.

"I don't care."

"Huh?" She squeaked, sure she had done it now and angered him.

Hak checked himself, worried that he had given his sister the wrong impression.

"I mean, I don't care whether or not they know." He clarified with a note of humor to let her know he was kidding. "Aside from Droopy-Eyes and White Snake, the rest of them are decent."

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