Chapter 72: Rich Boy's Back

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Shin-ah calmed her down yesterday and he stayed with her until she fell asleep. She vaguely heard Yoon yelling about how there wasn't any room in the tent anymore so he would have to sleep outside and she thought she heard Yona say she would sleep with Hak, but didn't know for sure.

Even if she did, it didn't seem very likely that the naive princess would understand how it came off to the others. 

 Calista woke up to Shin-ah's arm draped over her, hugging her to his broad chest and she left for patrol before she could explode from how adorable he was. But she made sure to cover him fully so that he didn't catch a chill and get sick.

She was currently engaged in a sparring match with her brother on Katan's border. They were supposed to be roaming around, but there was no activity this early on and she was getting antsy. 

Hak's glaive froze a second before she went to block it due to the loud rustle coming from one of the bushes.

Calista shot her brother a crafty smirk and he gave her a devilish grin. Yoon really should think twice before putting them together on an assignment. Leaping off his post, Hak crept up behind the man behind the foliage, and stared at him until he turned around.

At Tae-jun's surprisingly high-pitched shriek, she covered her mouth, laughing silently to herself. She snuck around the back, staying out of sight and alert just in case he didn't come alone.

"Hmmm, I wonder if I'm seeing things." Hak rubbed his eyes dramatically, making a big show of it and the noble gulped nervously. "Apparently I can see the second son who caused trouble and ran off the other day."

"Y-You've got the wrong person..." Calista heard him stutter out nervously, and poked her head around the corner to see him clutching a huge bag to his body.

She jumped as steel whistled through the air, and arrived just in time to see Hak's spear embed itself into the wall behind noble, barely missing his ear.

"I see, the wrong person?" Hak stared blankly at him, as if he hadn't just threatened his life. "Then, you're suspicious. The penalty is death."

Calista chuckled, folding her arms over her chest, unbothered as Tae-jun frantically admitted who he was and begged him not to kill him.

"Wahhh!! I'm Tae-jun, Kan Tae-jun!!"

"I see, you're very suspicious." Hak's expression didn't change in the slightest. "The penalty is death."

"I'm dead either way?!"

She laughed, strolling out of her hiding spot and tapped her brother on the shoulder, gesturing to the village where she knew the others were. He waved her off, wanting to tend to this himself. She frowned at his disregard.

"I wanted to see Princess Yona... could you pass this onto her?"

He offered up the bulging sack and she tilted her head, analyzing it. It didn't seem to be anything dangerous, but she couldn't be too sure.

After Hak failed to say anything, Tae-jun continued, "It's fine, I haven't told the officers of my whereabouts."

He was only met with silence and she had to hand it to him for not breaking under her brother's deadpan disposition and vacant eyes.

"Say something, Hak!!"

And the moment was ruined as she punched him in the shoulder to gain his attention, furiously pointing to the town and then back to him. 

Hak flashed her a giant smirk. "Great idea, Bat-Ears."

She smacked a hand against her head. That wasn't what she meant.

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