Chapter 84: It's Not Easy

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Tae-jun's hands landed on the ground, supporting his weight as he fell forward. "To... To g-give a task such as that to someone like me, is the highest honor!!"

He couldn't see it, but the princess' lavender eyes softened at his words. Truth and determination sparked through his declaration and she could see, plain as day, that he was a changed person. There was no one else better to lead them.

"Please..." Tae-jun echoed, unsure what he was begging her for, but bowed low to the ground. The sign of humbleness that a servant would give to his master. "I will await your safe return."

And even though he never received an answer, he knew she had heard him.

"Eh?! Where'd that dancing boy go?!"

"And Yoon!! He left his herbs behind!!"

They cried out for their lord and he shut up their squabbling with a fond smile. He didn't care if he alone made a big difference in this kingdom. He used to think that he wanted to be a king and rule the land, but those days were long gone. Now, he just wanted the princess to be safe, and be proud of the Fire Tribe. He swore to make life better for its citizens.

Several pittering, pattering footfalls raced up to him. He raised his head to see the triplets speeding towards him with an impassive Heuk-chi following not far behind.

"Master Tae-jun!!" Opal yelled, throwing himself carelessly on top of him. He was the only one who called him by his name. "You won't believe what we did today!!"

"Opal, get ahold of yourself." Yue scolded the youngest, pulling him off of the noble.

He and Nier put their hands together in front of them, and bowed. Once given approval to be at ease, they lifted their heads and launched into a detailed report of their findings.

Tae-jun's small smile twisted into a frown. "You went where?"

"Just past the river." Nier informed him casually, as if it wasn't a several mile long trip.

"Okay, you three are not allowed to go that far ever again without an escort."

The triplets arched an eyebrow at the same time.

"You're kidding, right?" Yue asked, then took it back when he saw how uncharacteristically serious he was. "Never mind."

"The land past the river is not uncharted territory, but it's currently controlled by bandits." Tae-jun told them, making sure the boys understood the weight behind it. "If you start something, then they'll finish it. Not to mention, you three could get seriously hurt."

Opal shifted to lean against a tree as he shot him a mischievous look. "Aw, he's worried about us."

The noble sputtered indignantly and the other two covered up their snickers at their brother's jab but they couldn't help it.

"He's worried we'll get into trouble." Nier grinned.

"Too late for that." Yue chimed in, joining in seamlessly.

"The three of them switched all of your socks with ones with holes in them, Lord Tae-jun." The other man finally spoke. "I merely observed from the sidelines as commanded."

"You what, Heuk-chi?!" Tae-jun shouted, and the triplets burst into peals of laughter. "I told you to stop them if they did that again!!"

"But Lord Tae-jun, you will surely catch a woman's love if you dress the part. It must be complete with worn socks to demonstrate your hard work and how much you do not care about your appearance."

"But I do care!!" He huffed as the boys just howled louder, sniffing at how his attendant didn't defend him.

They traveled back to the government house so that they could all get some sleep for the night. He had very specifically instructed all of his fighters to do as they pleased. So many of them had been oppressed all their lives, and he didn't want that to continue. He wouldn't stand for it.

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