Chapter 122: A Hint of Trouble

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Calista watched excitedly as the two of them went off together, cheering from the sidelines as Yona landed the mark and Hak collected the money from the betting pool. She had no doubt that the princess could hit the center, she had been practicing so hard and had come so far since they first started their journey.

Catching her gaze, Yona gave her a blinding smile which was subsequently returned as the two waved at each other from opposite ends of the crowd.

Yoon had given her some money as well and she too, just like Hak, had placed all of it on the princess to succeed. The man running the arena handed her the cut she had won. She had gotten all of that and more from the bets, gleefully holding it up to the blue dragon that had followed her from the young genius' stall.

Shin-ah was still eyeing her worriedly since he could see no trace of her turmoil from earlier.

She was smiling broadly, precariously balancing the sheer amount of coins in her hands. He took them from her, carefully unwrapping a piece of cloth from her wrist to create a makeshift bag to hold them all until she was able to put it in her satchel.

Even though she didn't outwardly show it, Calista's eyes betrayed her joy and eagerness. "So, want to go shopping?"

The pair browsed the market, the man by her side still uncertain what most of the things were, having been sheltered for most of his life. As they walked, she eased his curiosity by identifying certain things for him.

"This is called a pipe flute," She explained quietly as customers flooded the shop, holding up the bamboo instrument. "You blow air across it to make music."

They alternated, easily falling into a pattern. He would point to something or run his fingers over it lightly and she would tell him what it was. If she didn't know, then she would inquire about it to the merchant running the stand and he would educate them both.

Shin-ah was hesitant to take her hand since she declined it earlier but his fingers still unconsciously inched towards her every few seconds. He resisted the urge to frown, forcing himself to be patient.

He knew she would open up when she was ready and that he shouldn't rush her.

Calista took no notice of his inner dialogue, flitting from stall to stall, searching for the thing that had caught the youngest's eye earlier.

She squealed when she found it. The same trinket that had shined in her eye earlier. It was a rather flashy, engraved pendant was heavy in the palm of her hand and she quickly forked over several hundred Rin to pay for it.

Holding it up to the sun so that the light reflected off of the pewter, she felt heat creep up her neck when Shin-ah aligned his sight with hers.

"Yoon was looking at it earlier," She stuttered out shyly, promptly pocketing it in her satchel so that it was hidden from prying eyes. "I thought he might like to have it since he never really asks for anything."

He nodded his agreement, then led her to the same fabric store Hak and Yona were looking at earlier. Uncertainly, he selected two rolls. One was plain black and the other was a shimmery ocean blue.

It had stuck out to him earlier and he thought it would look nice on her.

Her eyes immediately were drawn to the cerulean material but she forced that idea down quickly. Bright colors had too many disadvantages, especially when she wanted to go under the radar.

Though, I have to admit... It is really pretty...

She ran her fingers over it, loving the way it seemed to ripple in the sunlight and flowed underneath her touch. It was absolutely beautiful. But she couldn't afford it.

Internally, she shrugged. It wasn't as if she needed it and the money they had left could be better used to serve the needs of their group rather than her own interests. Pocketing the change she had gotten after the transaction for Yoon's trinket, she masked her happiness at the time she got to spend with him alone.

It was a dangerous emotion to feel freely during this time.

Shin-ah lifted his eyes above the crowd when he heard his name being called by Kija. He tugged on her cloak to catch her attention but she already was nodding in acknowledgement.

"Go on," She urged, giggling softly when his fingers glossed over her left arm worriedly. "I'll stay right here, okay?"

Casting another concerned look over his shoulder, he stepped away from her to see what the white dragon needed help with.

Calista continued shopping, picking up things that looked interesting to her. The handcrafted weapons were particularly interesting to her but she refrained from holding them since the blacksmith was giving her weird looks when she didn't purchase anything.

Moving along, she skimmed through more weapons, instruments, cooking utensils and finding trinkets useful and others just for recreation. Attention ensnared by a particularly sharp set of throwing knives much too high above her budget, she yelped in surprise when she was suddenly dragged from behind, dropping them instantly.

Tripping over her feet, she only ceased struggling when the chiming reached her ears.

Calista stumbled back and exhaled sharply, yanking down her mask to face her so-called kidnapper. "Shin-ah, are you crazy?! What are you—"

Covering her mouth, he hushed her quickly. He pressed her flat against the stone and she grunted as her back hit it. He hid his face in the juncture of her shoulder, making her breath hitch.

She couldn't find her voice or move an inch. As he kept her hidden in the shadows, she searched blindly for his hand, clasping it when she found it. Their fingers laced together clumsily, each one desperate but for a different reason.

"They are looking for you." He murmured, his quiet voice unusually strained as he braced an arm on either side of her.

The people running along the rooftops, spying on transactions from above. Those that were milling about in the crowd, posing as merchants and customers alike. Her jaw clenched and she averted her eyes, confirming what he didn't want to be true.

Shin-ah's mouth parted. "... You knew."

She wouldn't meet his gaze. "You and the others have to get out of here. You can't be here any longer."

He bared his teeth in a snarl as a tear rolled down his cheek. "I'm not leaving."

"Shin-ah, please," Calista begged as she pushed against his chest that wouldn't budge, taking to pounding against the firm muscle when he didn't move. "I'll be fine but you have to go!!"

Crowding her closer, his voice cracked as he pleaded for her not to push him away. Her heart broke at the raw emotion in his voice but she buried her face into his chest, shaking her head from side to side.

"I promise to come back to you when it's over." She whispered, standing up to her tip-toes to kiss him.

He gripped her waist tightly, pressing her body to him as she wound her arms around his neck. She whimpered into his mouth as her left arm knocked against his shoulder, jolting her injury.

"Be careful..." He panted against her skin, nudging her nose with his. "I will wait for you."

Calista nodded, closing her eyes as she allowed herself to indulge in that one moment before she set off to complete her task. She rested in his arms, treasuring the comforting peace unique to his presence.

The two exchanged a few more hushed words before the girl exited the shadowed passageway.

Shin-ah's head thumped against the wall and he breathed shakily, tensing and untensing as he forced down his instinct to protect her. It wouldn't be easy. Every part of him burned for her and now that she was out of his reach, he didn't know what to do.

Glancing down at his hand where hers had been no long before, he balled it into a fist, remembering her touch. No matter what was ahead, if she called for him, he would come.

And nothing would stop him.

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