Chapter 136: Their Pasts

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Now, they were taking a break. Alternating drinks from the pail of water Yoon had boiled for them beforehand so that it would be clean when they were finally thirsty, the pair sat across from each other, knees touching as they tucked their feet underneath them.

The sounds of the forest filled the silence all around them, encompassing them like a blanket of peace that hid them away from the real world.

Calista gazed up at the giant trees that loomed above her wistfully. That was the only thing good about being short, everything always seemed so tall to her.

She couldn't wait to climb again.

Shin-ah caught her gaze and nudged her, pointing up inquisitively.

Unintentionally brushing him off, she waved a hand dismissively. "Ah, I'm just thinking about something, it's not important."

He gave her a look that was equal parts disbelief and curiosity and she barked out a laugh, catching herself quickly and backtracking.

"Right, right," She sputtered as she regained her breath. "Sorry, I forgot."

It was easy to pass over her interests, she had never had someone who liked to listen to her talk as much as he did.

Giggling slightly still, she told him that she loved the way it felt. Up there, the air just felt so much fresher, not polluted by people and it made a difference. Her heart always felt lighter, like she could fly. That the chains of the world that kept her bound couldn't keep her there.

She rolled her shoulders, tilting her face up toward the sun and closed her eyes.

"I feel free." She admitted with a blissful sigh. "There's so much that's unbothered up there, it's like I can do anything."

Shin-ah nodded his head along understandingly. While he didn't get the same feeling of freedom that she had described, he definitely felt happier when he was up there.

Or maybe it was more because of who taught him how to climb trees rather than the action itself.

"Something on your mind?" Calista inquired, rolling her eyes playfully when his mouth parted in shock.

Shin-ah blinked twice.

She snorted. "Oh please, I'd know that look anywhere."

He was about to tell her that he was thinking of her when she pointed down and he followed her gaze. Subconsciously, he had been running his fingers over the painted wood of his horned mask laying on the gass.

He hastily looked away and she tilted her head to catch his eye.

"We don't have to talk about it." She reassured him quickly. "But you know, I'll be here to listen when you want to."

Shin-ah ducked his head, hiding the tinge of color on his cheeks at how kind she was. He knew that, of course, but hearing her say it, it was like she was watering a long neglected garden and making flowers bloom with her tenderness.

Seeing that he wasn't stopping her, Calista asked him a question that had been on her mind ever since she first met him at his village.

"Where did you learn swordsmanship?"

He didn't tense up at her curiosity and she took that as a good sign, patiently waiting for him to gather himself before replying.


She leaned forward, straining to hear him and he broke off with a small cough. Her smile grew as she saw his face had reddened in embarrassment at her proximity and pressed a quick kiss to his forehead to distract him.

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