Chapter 146: Don't Let the Darkness Hide

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Night had fallen rather quickly and they had to cease their investigation for the day. Seeing as how the inn they were staying at was rather cheap, it was ideal to go back there for the night but it was quite a long trek back.

Yoon had pondered it for a while but ultimately decided that it would be worth it to go back instead of toughing it out on the cold streets for the night.

They had come a long ways away from the building near the edge of Shisen, so turning back in the direction of the inn, the group made their way through the winding roads.

They hadn't bothered to take any of their other stuff with them, so all their bedrolls, Yoon's cooking equipment and Yona and Shin-ah's weapons were all back in their room.

Calista wasn't worried about anything getting stolen though. The innkeeper had lent them the key and they made sure to lock it before they left. Since Jae-ha and Shin-ah jumped out of the window instead of using the door like normal people, she was sure it was just as they had left it.

Besides, it wasn't like the kind innkeeper had any other guests to entertain or keep track of.

Now that they knew the full extent of the nadai situation, Calista could see why business was bad in this area. No trade, no market. Except for that disgusting drug.

And where the ecosystem deteriorated, so did the state of the town and the well-being of the people.

She sighed. It really was a horrible situation they were in but she was just glad to get to do something about it now. She thanked the stars that Yona wasn't turning her back on this.

She didn't think that she would, but this evil was dark and it was deep-rooted in the Water Tribe if what they had been told was true. It would be easy to let it scare her off but the princess hadn't allowed it to.

It made Calista admire her even more.

The walk was pretty quiet as they went back. Hak and Kija weren't arguing with each other. Even Zeno was silent.

She was exhausted, as were all the others. Aside from what little food Yoon had managed to bring with them, they hadn't had anything to eat all day.

Calista tried to convince him to let her bargain with some nearby food stalls to see if they'd give her something for whatever little money they had leftover from what he made by selling his medicine at the Wanderer's Market, but seeing as though there was no way to test the food for nadai, it was better to be safe than sorry.

They would have to go without food for at least today.

She drew back as her stomach rumbled, ignoring it to fall behind the group and keep an eye on their surroundings as they continued on foot. This gave her a better view of them and allowed her to see if they were still being followed.

But so far so good. Whoever she and Yona caught a glimpse of earlier didn't seem to be tailing them any longer.

"Calista dear."

She nearly jumped out of her skin, not knowing when he had snuck up on her. She thought for sure he was in front of her. Gripping her head, she groaned. Man, she was tired.

That little slip up could've cost them if it hadn't been him.

And that disagreement with Shin-ah earlier hadn't helped. It was weighing heavily on her mind but she couldn't afford to let it distract her.

Her heart was heavy as she recalled the strained words that flew back and forth between them. She really couldn't believe it.

Ah... I should stop thinking about this now. Calista told herself stiffly. There's nothing that'll change what I have to do.

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