Chapter 54: The Next Step

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The sound of someone bashing their head in someone else woke her up. Her blades' hilts were in the palm of her hands before she could blink, automatically raising them up and zeroing in on the noise.

A very guilty Zeno was peering up at her with watery eyes and Shin-ah gestured with his hands in apology. She just smiled, tucking away the steel and crossing her legs that were extended out in front of her on the branch she was balanced on.

"What are you guys doing?"

"We're playing a game because Seiryuu is cold!!" Zeno exclaimed excitedly, bouncing back to his cheerful self. "Do you want to play, Miss Notch?"

Calista chuckled as Shin-ah wiped his mouth in determination. "That's alright, Zeno. Thank you though."

He bonked into Shin-ah's unsuspecting shoulder, knocking him to the ground. They both tumbled around, successfully warming them up from the chilly, early morning air. She chuckled as they became louder, vigorously shoving each other over repeatedly.

All the racket eventually woke up Kija, who stared at his dragon brothers in confusion.

"You two sure are noisy first thing in the morning." He noted, still half-asleep.

Zeno headbutted him, too, and Calista had to slap her hands over her mouth to prevent laughter from erupting. She caught Shin-ah's eye and grinned widely as Kija's expression morphed into one of shock.

"What are you doing?!"

Calista jumped down from the branch and leaned back on her hands, watching them. "They're playing some sort of game." She informed him, casually munching on an apple she had just picked from the tree.

Zeno nodded fervently. "It's a game to get warm!! If you cry, you lose!!"

Kija's eyes shined with determination at the rules. "I accept!!!"

"Wahhhh!!! Wait, Hakuryuu!!" The golden-haired boy shouted out in alarm, holding his hands out in front of him defensively. "You're not allowed to use your right hand!!"

Calista's robust laughter echoed through the still atmosphere, filling their campsite with jubilance. 

As the yellow and blue dragon dodged his swipes, a sleepy voice interjected, "What the..."

Her head swiveled to find her brother staring at the trio, dumbfounded at what had got them so hyper first thing in the morning. She snorted at his expression.

"You look ridiculous."

He shut his mouth at that, shooting her a glare with no real anger behind it and she shot him a cheeky grin, turning her attention back to Shin-ah. 

"The young ones sure are energetic in the morning." Jae-ha commented, to the princess beside him, with a small smile.

Yona rubbed her bleary eyes and observed them curiously as they rolled around on the ground. "It looks like fun."

Calista narrowed her eyes the minute she saw the green dragon's signature smirk. True to his nature, he turned Yona around by her shoulders to face him. 

"Well then, I'll show you how adults haggle around to become warmer." Jae-ha smirked suggestively. 

Before she could get to it, Hak had whacked Jae-ha upside the head. 

Rubbing the sore spot forming, he said slyly, "That felt like a real punch just now, Hak." 

Meanwhile, Zeno shrieked in fear as he scrambled to get away from the battle-ready white dragon. "Kyaaaa!! Stop it, Hakuryuu—" 

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