50k Special: Quarantine [Oneshot] Modern AU

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Words: 3.7k


Calista zipped around the corner, hiding in the closet stuffed with all of their winter coats as her brother stampeded through the house, clutching the stolen meat bao to her chest.

Day 200 in quarantine and everyone had been going a wee bit crazy. Cue her need to shake things up a bit. She had stolen his food and had no intentions of giving it back.

He had been too distracted by the newest creation Yona was wearing to pay attention to her and she swiped it out from under his nose, sprinting out of his room as he broke out of his stupor and yelled for her to give it back.

Munching on it, she nearly gave away her position at how heavenly it tasted. Oh well, if she died, at least she could die happily.

He wasn't too mad at her. Even if he was, it'll probably blow over soon knowing him.

At first, everything had been kind of nice. As an introvert, however extroverted she was around them, she found she really enjoyed the down time. No obligations to the outside world, no appointments in person she had to go to and the best part, everything was online. She never needed to actually talk to a physical stranger again.

Alright, she knew it wasn't the best idea. Human beings weren't built for isolation. Thankfully, she had her friends, comrades in arms both on and off the battlefield. They were around each other all the time, tried out new hobbies, went on walks and trained in the acres that surrounded the mansion more often than before.

However, several very long months of quarantine with no foreseeable end in sight had made it all grow old rather quickly.

It was weird since they all got along so well. But after only having each other and no personal space in a sense because everyone was always at the house, it was getting a bit stifling.

They were getting on each other's nerves from having been cooped up inside all the time. Even Kija snapped, but it didn't last long as he was so sad from having lashed out that he spent the rest of the time making it up to Zeno even though the latter had long since forgiven him.

Shin-ah appeared to be taking it better than the rest but even she knew he wasn't completely unaffected.

He was pretty antsy when he was alone, which was a first since he usually preferred it that way. She had taken to falling asleep in his room so that he could feel a little bit at ease.

Mundok, the triplets, Tae-jun, Hani and Tae-yeon hadn't been able to visit them in weeks due to the restrictions and she was about to pull out her hair. She missed them all dearly, even the rich boy who she swore to the moon and back she hated.

Yeah, she wasn't convincing any of them.

A sly smirk curled on the edge of her lips as she saw his shadow pass by from underneath the light of the closet doors and polished off the bun, tongue grazing over her teeth as her eyes flashed.

Yanking it open, she flew out and tackled him to the ground.

"BABUSHKA!!!!!!" She yelled in his ear, flattening him in a second.

Hak recovered quickly and shoved her off with a scowl, pulling her arms and searching her pockets in search of the long gone food.

"You're watching too much of that stuff." He declared dryly, straightening up with a huff as he concluded she must've eaten it. "You owe me a bao."

Calista shrugged as several more footsteps pounded down the stairs. "Can't help it, Valkyrae and Sykkuno are quite entertaining, along with the rest of them. And nah~"

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