Chapter 167: Sharp Silver

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Calista leaped down from the ledge and landed directly in front of Yona in a low crouch, the tip of her silver dagger pointed straight towards the advancing man's neck.

"Take one more step and you stop breathing." She threatened lowly, her words carrying clearly despite the mask covering her face.

Watching him like a hawk, Calista's eyes narrowed as she shifted back on her feet to address the battle-ready girl behind her.

"Don't say anything and let me handle this." She murmured imperceptibly.

Calista didn't have to look over her shoulder to know that the princess wanted to protest, but she couldn't afford to give away the only chance they had of getting out of here alive.

Hiyou's misfortune of stumbling across those two could be an advantage but only if she played this very carefully.

Stealthily, Calista crossed two fingers behind her back.

There was another disturbance in the air and a flash of black as Ayura raced to Lili's side from the shadows. Her dark eyes sharpened into slits as they caught Tetora's crumpled figure laying a few paces away from them, but her jaw locked and she didn't move from her master.

If she went to her now, these people would kill Lili.

Without leaving Yona exposed, Calista drew herself up to her full height and stepped forward lightly. She braced an arm out in front of the princess protectively, stopping her from arguing against her in front of the enemy.

It was not hard to guess what Yona intended to do based on that gleaming sword she gripped tightly with both hands. But like hell she was going to let her.

This is my job.

And I serve her willingly.

Taking the initiative in order to protect the exposed Lili trembling in horror off to the side, Calista readied her stance alongside Ayura.

To the death.

The one with the ugly scar on his forehead laughed at them, taunting them, but the corner of her mouth quirked up in a wicked smile.

He wanted to look down on them, fine. That was something else she could use.

In two seconds flat, she made her move, slashing so quick, her blades were a blur of silver as she forced him back. Tetora was bleeding but Yona was her first priority. Yona and Lili. Once they were safe, she could cover them while Ayura went back for her comrade.

That was the best way.


It was the only way.

She wasn't stupid. She knew that the likelihood of Tetora making it was slim to none. But Ayura knew just as well as she did that they couldn't risk the safety of the girls to get to her.

In times like these, the impossible choice had to be made.

There was no sugar-coating it. She had to get Yona and Lili out of here before she could even think about helping Tetora.

Calista's fingers tightened around the hilt of her daggers as she spotted movement out of the corner of her eyes coming from a bold red-haired princess simmering with barely controlled emotion.

"Don't you dare." She muttered in warning, shooting her a sharp glance as Yona continued to edge forward with a fire in her eyes.

They were too far away from Shin-ah and Zeno. She couldn't rely on them for help.

They were on their own.

A lone breeze blew through the hall from the outside, stirring the group as they faced off, but never once dissipating the tension.

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