Chapter 135: Sword Practice

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"No, no, no, absolutely not." Yoon fumed, livid.

He was outraged she would even suggest a thing like that so soon after recovering from her extensive injuries. The idiot.

Calista winced, trying again. "But Yoon—"

He shot her a hard look that made her shut her mouth instantly.

"You just healed and now you want to go frolicking off in the forest with Shin-ah swinging a sword?!" He cried incredulously.

Twiddling her thumbs, she corrected nervously. "A practice sword..."

After another full week of healing, he had deemed her well enough to carry her satchel and daggers once more and in all of her excitement by finally having them back, she may have gotten a little carried away.

Calista yelped as he shot her another death glare, ducking to hide behind Shin-ah's back before cautiously poking her head out, only to wince again when the intensity of it escalated. She could practically feel the heat of his stare through the blue dragon she had enlisted to be her personal shield to protect her from the wrath of the pretty boy.

Shin-ah twisted around, wanting to see her face despite her shriek as she was left exposed and dragged out by the ear by a fuming Yoon.

"Calista, you should rest!!" Kija exclaimed when she was out in the open as his younger dragon brother spinning all the way around when he lost track of her.

She sighed dramatically at his sentiment as she coaxed the distressed blue dragon over to her side. "I've been resting for weeks... I want to go outside and do something."

Shin-ah happily burrowed his face into her neck, making a noise that vaguely resembled a cross between a contented sigh and a happy squeak.

"Take a walk." Hak interjected sarcastically and she nearly punched him since that was all she had been doing for the past month.

That was all they would let her do. She was sick of it.

"Another bath?" Yona suggested, aware that while her friend didn't mind the dirt, she liked to be clean since all the grime reminded her of some not-so-great memories.

But she didn't know the impact of her words as the pair's cheeks colored instantly.

Calista's eyes shot towards Jae-ha, flashing once, daring him to say something. The green dragon wisely chose to close his mouth, although the mirth in his gaze didn't fade. Zeno laughed and clapped his hands together after witnessing the exchange before rocking back and forth on the ground until he fell over.

Then, seeing as how just about everyone was against a little practice lesson, she turned to her last hope.

"Shin-ah~" She sang.

He whipped his face away so she wouldn't see him and she pouted. She glared at her brother when he laughed, silencing him.

"Shin-ah, please?" She begged, grabbing his hand and squeezing it. "It doesn't have to be a lot. I just want to see some stances and maybe try out a few easy moves, alright? That's not too much, right?"

He still hesitated, looking down at her bare arm and the noticeable scar left behind from the puncture wound she got from taking the arrow for him.

She was getting desperate. She had been cooped up for too long. "C'mon, I won't do anything that puts too much strain on me, you know that."

He shook his head, knowing that was a fat lie, and she suppressed a groan. Time to pull out the ultimate card.

"I'll give you a kiss when we're done." She bargained with a glint in her eye.

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