Chapter 96: The Request

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Calista had been chained to Yona's side ever since they returned to their camp, worriedly flitting about between the dragons, her brother and Yoon even though she was the only one who was physically hurt.

The rest of them just seem... extraordinarily tired.

The princess weakly pushed away the older girl who was still hovering over her, sighing softly when she wouldn't leave to get her injuries looked at. Yona couldn't even muster up the strength to speak, it was like her body just stopped working.

Hak had dragged his body over to her, gritting his teeth as an unfamiliar resistance worked against him. But resilience won out and as he thudded down beside the princess, he barely acknowledged that his sister had moved.

Yoon had no patience for this as Calista dodged his hundredth attempt to get her to stay still so that he could look at her ankle. Stomping his foot in vehement frustration, the pretty boy marched over to Shin-ah, demanding that he convince the stubborn fighter to hold still in place for one minute while he bandaged the wound.

Wordlessly, the blue dragon stretched out his hand for the roll of gauze and ointment. He wasn't completely clear either, his head felt fuzzy and his limbs felt heavy but he knew his priority.

After Yoon practically threw them at him, he left it to him, making his way over to Kija in order to assess his state. The white dragon seemed to be hit the hardest out of all of the dragons and the pretty boy couldn't figure out why.

"I'm sorry."

The group looked over inquisitively at the mournful girl hanging her head as Shin-ah tended to her ankle.

It stung faintly as he applied the medication, but Calista didn't acknowledge it, too caught up in the guilt that constricted her chest. "I should never have involved you all in this mess."

"Don't say that, Miss Notch." Zeno frowned sadly. "It's not your fault."

"The kid's right, Calista dear." Jae-ha interjected, a bit more collected from before. His eyes were still bloodshot, but she didn't know from what. She knew one thing for sure though, that look didn't suit the usually elegant and charming Ryokuryuu.

She hesitated, silver eyes cloudy with confusion and denial.

Hak knew that look and tried to sit up. "Bat-Ears, don't you even dare—"

He was cut off with a violent wave of coughing that alarmed the rest of them into forgetting what they were talking about. Yoon quickly took his temperature, but his brow furrowed when his forehead wasn't feverishly hot. Waving him off, Hak attempted to get up to his feet when he was being pushed back by a revived Yona.

Ordering him to stay put, the princess, not having the strength to stand just yet, crawled over to her distraught friend.

Calista forced herself to listen to her, resisting the primal urge to run away and lash out at anything that moved as Yona echoed the same things everyone else had been saying. Taking a deep breath, she trained her eyes on the attentive blue dragon at her feet and she cracked a smile as some of her anxiety faded away. Yona's light voice slowly disappeared into the background as she became entranced.

His fingers wound the soft cotton deftly, securing the end piece by tying it firmly. He stayed crouched down once he finished, and she couldn't take it anymore. She felt like she was going to suffocate if she stayed here any longer.

Sending an apologetic look to the princess was the only apology she could muster at the moment, but Yona's lavender eyes softened in understanding, knowing she needed some space for now.

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