Chapter 104: Daybreak

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A whisper broke through the stillness of the air.


When she didn't move, Hak carefully nudged her awake.

Yona bolted up, lavender eyes wide going with panic. "I'm so sorry!! Did I oversleep?!"

She was surprised when he wasn't the one who answered her right away.

"Hak, you're stepping on me..."

Her sleepy gaze met the hilarious sight of Hak's knee squishing Jae-ha's neck, cutting off the green dragon's air supply as the bodyguard stared down at her from above. She clapped her hands over her mouth, desperately trying to stop the giggles that spilled through her fingers despite her best attempt to contain them.

Both men turned their attention towards the sound but Hak's cobalt eyes flickered with an unrestrained emotion from underneath the hood of his cloak as Yona began hiccupping uncontrollably as a result from laughing so hard.

But he caught himself quickly, masking the fondness and clearing his throat as he reverted back to his usual, sarcastic self.

"Princess, you'll lose your voice if you keep that up."


"Hak, don't be so mean. Give Yona dear some water so that she can catch her breath."

"Do you see any water around here, Droopy-Eyes?"

"Perhaps you can generate a liquid she can dri—"

A deafening smack interrupted that perverted train of thought from finishing and an exhausted groan diminished any opportunity for a continuation of that nonsense.

"Ugh, you both are way too loud in the morning."

Calista rolled over on her side, squinting at her annoying brother who merely stuck his tongue out at her in response. Invigorated with a surge of energy stemming from their old sibling rivalry, she scrambled upright, ready to throw some punches that he would conveniently dodge when the strong arm around her waist wouldn't let up.

Behind her, Shin-ah was still sleeping soundly, mouth parted the barest bit to ruffle the ends of the fur that cushioned his head beneath him with every soft exhale that passed his lips.

She twisted around in the crowded space, ignoring Jae-ha's slightly incoherent teasing directed towards Yona's fuming bodyguard in favor of booping the blue dragon's nose, biting down on her lip to prevent a smile from spreading too wide as she watched his face wrinkle up cutely.


Still, she didn't mind the overcrowded space as much as she thought she would. The small room was packed full to capacity with the rowdy group of eight.

When Jae-ha had finally returned to the room, he said something about how Hak was going to stay out a bit longer to a half-asleep Calista before he followed the others' unconscious lead.

But unfortunately for her brother, that meant that the crafty green dragon took this opportunity to slide into the spot next to Yona and now he was getting payback from the pissed off Thunder Beast.

The rest of the sleeping arrangements were rather unique compared to their usual setup.

Zeno had taken the spot next to him, sleeping with his arms crossed behind his head. The only indication that he was actually asleep and not just lying awake, staring up at the ceiling, were the loud snores that erupted from the small boy during the night.

Yoon was next to Kija, both sleeping peacefully until Yona's yelp of surprise when she came face to face with Hak interrupted them and caused them to get up earlier than they were used to.

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