Chapter 169: Unbridled Bravery

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Yona's eyes shot open. Fear filled her being as cold dread sank into the pit of her stomach.

Droplets of crimson splattered to the ground and her grip on her sword loosened.

One beat of silence passed.

A cry of pure rage shattered the tension and Calista became a whirl of steel and fury as she ripped her enemies apart. It was bloody and messy, unlike the cold, calculating and composed fighter she was normally.

While the assassin lost her cool, the other three behind her were in varying states of despair.

Lili was still in shock, but when Yona collapsed in front of her, arms shaking, she broke out of her daze.

"Ayur—, Tetor—" Her knuckles were white as she clutched Yona to her in a desperate act to do something.


But she couldn't call for anyone. She was all alone. Her attendants were either incapacitated or gone and the one person who should've never been in harm's way got hurt.

Protecting her.

Lili's fingers trembled as they came away soaked with Yona's blood before she shook, whole body shaking in terror. Her hands hovered above the princess, and her throat constricted, mind racing with what she could possibly do in this moment to help the situation instead of harm it.

"... N-No way. I-I don't want this," Lili gasped, shakily pressing her hands to Yona's wound, wondering if it would stop the gash from gushing red. "What are you doing?!"

But her anger fizzled out as fast as it came and her voice cracked. "You became my shield even though you have no strength or technique..." Her voice was no louder than a whisper as she breathed, "Why?"


Tears filled her eyes and she couldn't stop herself from fixating on where Tetora laid eerily still before her gaze snapped back to Yona.

"How could you do something so self-sacrificing?!" Lili yelled, the pounding of her heart loud enough to drown out all rationale and she was half-tempted to throttle the princess if it wasn't for her grave injury that looked like it was getting worse by the second. "There's something wrong with you!!!"

But what happened next surprised her.

Yona scoffed lightly, the sound void of any emotion and she raised her head just high enough for the pain swimming in the depths of her irises to be reflected in the light. "Self-sacrificing? Me?"

Lili's horrified expression transformed into one of bewilderment despite the tears still streaming down her face, and with trembling and bloodied fingers, she stretched out to the wounded princess the instant she detached herself from her.

The clanging of steel and grunts of pain from the men that the preoccupied assassin took down faded into the background as Yona squeezed her eyes shut, nerves both numb and on fire from the hit she took. Her limbs felt heavy and her vision swam.

This was what her friends went through every time they got hurt because of her? Because they were keeping her safe?

Her chest tightened in pain, and not from the wound on her back. Out of everyone, she was the weakest link. The one who needed looking after because she couldn't do anything for herself.

With how far she has come, it still didn't feel like enough.

"I fight so I can survive." Yona finally declared quietly, propping herself up and drawing away from a shocked Lili. "I have no desire to bow down to unjust power."

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