Chapter 119: Attracting Customers

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Cracking under the continuous pressure Yoon was holding over her head as he breathed down her neck, Calista jogged to catch up with them, falling in step beside Kija. He smiled at her warmly and the way the corner of her eyes crinkled let him know she returned it.

"I never thought he would use starvation tactics on us." The white dragon commented offhandedly as they wandered around the area.

"What a frightening special attack." Hak added with a hint of nonchalance, as if he was just talking about the weather rather than the fifteen-year-old boy that held power over all of them.

If he ever decided to blackmail them for whatever reason, he was sure that he would have no problems doing so. And he would probably get away with it, too.

Zeno strolled with his hands behind his head, smacking his lips together with only one thing on his mind. "Food..."

Calista giggled quietly, thankful that the sound was drowned out by the loud chatter from all around them. Her gaze landed on a curious blue dragon who was looking at everything with his lips parted in awe. His fingers ran lightly over something she couldn't quite make out as her view was blocked by the obnoxiously tall green dragon.

"Without Yoon, we wouldn't be able to make a living in the first place." Jae-ha pointed out as they walked along, keeping his eye on the aimless princess even though he knew Hak was watching her closely.

"I wonder how you solicit customers..." Yona mused out loud, tapping a finger to her chin thoughtfully.

Jae-ha winked at her, sweeping low in an elegant bow. "Leave it to me."

Hak couldn't care less about what he was doing, except for the small fact that he would probably have to do the same in order to get people to go to the young genius' store, lest he be without food for a week. 

Calista watched the green dragon curiously alongside Shin-ah and Kija as the green dragon used his charm to enchant two young women into checking out Yoon's medicine.

As he led the girls over to his establishment, Hak's eyes narrowed in disbelief at how easily they went with him. "He sold it."

"Amazing..." Yona said in astonishment, wondering how he managed to do it and make it look so easy.

"I got two customers." Jae-ha grinned, flipping his ponytail over his shoulder as Yoon counted the money the girls gave him. "How was that?"

"You're fishing for compliments, Droopy-Eyes." Calista rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. "It's unbecoming, even for you."

He merely smirked at her and she badly wanted to stick her tongue out at him for not rising to the bait but settled for a glare instead.

Kija, on the other hand, still couldn't figure out exactly what it was that Jae-ha did. "You have some strange abilities. How did you do that?"

"You go up to a woman's ear and..." He whispered the rest into a naïve Kija and an innocent Shin-ah's ears.

Calista slapped a hand against her forehead. This was going to end so poorly.

"How can I say something like that?!" Kija exploded, face beet-red with embarrassment.

Called it.

"Huh?! What?! What?!" Yona exclaimed, bouncing up and down eagerly.

"You don't have to listen to that, Princess." Hak told her boredly, making her pout.

Calista was with her brother. It was probably something indecent and the princess didn't need to be exposed to that.

Shin-ah looked completely confused and she walked over, bumping his shoulder. "Hey, it's okay. You really don't need to understand it—"

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