Chapter 66: A New Idea

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If I could... No, that wouldn't work either. What if I came at it from another angle? Calista grumbled silently as she analyzed the risks, drawing the same conclusion each time. It still wouldn't work... Damn it. I'll have to ask her.

She had been mulling this over ever since the fiasco at Katan Village and it only solidified when they made their debut as bandits. But no matter how she went over it, the risks never diminished. So, she talked to the other crucial party the last time she went back, and they were on board.

Now, for the last piece of the puzzle, and she had a feeling no one was going to like it. 

Calista was in the exact same spot that Shin-ah had last seen her the previous night when Kija returned from patrol with Jae-ha. However, his attention wasn't on their usual bickering, his thoughts were straying to a certain raven-haired girl.

He couldn't get her out of his mind.

Not that he wanted to, of course, but it was a little hard to control when he was supposed to be resting. He couldn't forget how naturally her body seemed to meld against his, and he missed having her by his side.

On the flip side, it seemed like no one looked twice at them when they interacted with each other, and he was thankful for the attention to not be on them.

Not that he would mind it if their friends knew about it, but he liked not being the target for teasing by the Thunder Beast and Ryokuryuu.

He tried to drift off, knowing that everyone was expecting for him to get some sleep after the stunt they allowed him to pull yesterday. Exhaustion pulled him under and he was out like a light in a matter of moments.

Back in her tree, a delicate call of her name jolted Calista out of her thoughts. Her shoulders straightened as she noticed the princess below her. Jumping down, she landed in front of her and drew herself up with serious eyes.

"Yona, I have an idea."

The princess' lavender eyes grew brighter with excitement as she launched into detail, explaining her plan. As she finished, the princess looked ready to explode with glee at the proposed notion.

"It would really work?! They've all agreed to it?!"

The firm nod of her head had the princess grabbing her wrist, hauling her to the others within seconds.

"Wait... Yona—!" Her protests fell on deaf ears as she dragged her all the way to where the others were all eating breakfast that Yoon had put together at the last minute.

In a second, the girls were in front of the waiting dragons, an ex-general and a pretty boy who tapped his foot impatiently. Yona was practically vibrating beside Calista, but for reasons none of them knew why.

"Well?" The youngest prompted when neither of them spoke.

The princess and fighter shared a look.

"I have an idea." Calista said slowly, wondering how she should put this.

Hak rolled his eyes, stuffing some food in his mouth. "Yeah, we kind of figured, Bat-Ears."

She shot him a glare that made him shut his mouth, then her expression changed into somewhat sheepish. "You're not going to like it."

He stuck his tongue out at her childishly, when Kija interjected, "Whatever it is, you have our full support."

Calista hesitated, his words not easing her worries too much. She shifted her weight uneasily, gaze looking at everywhere else but them.

Yona couldn't keep it to herself any longer. "We're going to get money so that trade can reopen for the villages!! And get added protection for the other ones so we aren't so spread out!!"

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