Chapter 11: Out of the Dark

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After Han-dae had left to go fetch Tae-yeon's medicine from the herbal doctor, news of the young boy collapsing had spread like wildfire. Unfortunately, that drew a lot of people to the elder's mansion, all flocking to Tae-yeon's room. 

Mundok stood off to the side. Yona was hovering over the little boy and Tae-woo was not too far away from her, peering at the youngest in concern.

Hak stood up to address the crowd that had gathered around the cramped space. Things would soon become out of his control if he couldn't get them to listen to him.

He crossed his arms over his chest, his deliberate gaze pierced the chaos, settling it enough for him to speak. 

"Listen you guys, I know your anger. However, the Fire Tribe has a fair amount of forces. I will not allow you to wage war with them right now." Hak's commanding voice reached every inch of the room. "I will, without a doubt, manage to do something about this."

He smirked. "Even if the river was blocked, it hasn't completely dried up. Entrust your lives to me, shut up, and wait."

Hak straightened, stance authoritative. "These are the orders of the Wind Tribe's leader, Son Hak!"

It fell quiet. Then, the murmurs started.

"...Did you hear that?"

"The young Chief said those were his 'orders'."

Tae-woo grinned as he watched the villagers cheer, rushing around Hak. They charged at him and threw their arms around the embarrassed general, embracing him while shouting joyfully.

"The Lord General Hak who always hated being hassled..."

"... It's so cool!!"

"He's seriously cool!"

"That will cost you 100 Ling per touch." Hak deadpanned, standing stiffly as they all crowded him. Mundok looked upon them all fondly from the sidelines.

They sure are lively... The corner of his mouth quirked up in a small smile as his one good eye regarded them softly.

"If we can't drink water, we can just drink alcohol!" Someone proposed and Hak looked strangely on board with that notion.

Yona had pulled the unconscious Tae-yeon in her lap, holding him close to her. Hak squatted down beside her, brushing off the sweat trickling down his forehead off of his little brother's face with his fingertips.

"Hak..." Yona stuttered as his intense eyes locked on hers. "Um... Is there anything I can do?"

Her wide eyes were so innocent, Hak found himself unable to tear himself away from her gaze. 

"...Well..." He flashed her a smirk. "A court lady should do what she can to make herself more attractive."

A tick mark appeared on Yona's forehead. "Hak, I'm being serious!"

He pinched her cheek, pulling it roughly, causing Yona to cry out indignantly.

"It's fine." Hak reassured her, releasing her cheek from his hold. "Just live here at your own leisure."

Yona stared at him wide-eyed, speechless. She looked down at Tae-yeon worriedly.

I want to do more. When did I become so weak? I don't want to lose anyone else. She thought despairingly as the memory of blood pooling around her father's body flashed through her mind. 

How do I protect the people that mean the most to me?


The sun set over the horizon, casting its golden glow across the quiet capitol until the white light of the moon took over, raised high in the sky. 

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