Chapter 161: Girls' Talk of Love

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Back at the inn that Lili had brought them to, Yona was in awe.

Her eyes filled with wonder as she spun around in the hot spring, floating idly with her friend beside her. "This is my first time being in an inn this beautiful."

Ayura and Tetora had accompanied Lili inside where the two other girls were promptly overwhelmed by how stunning this hotel was.

Pale pink garlands crept their way up the walls of the giant building, the evergreen leaves bright in contrast to the dark brick. Despite it being such a large establishment with quite a few levels bustling with activity, there was a lull in how many people were at the hot springs, so Lili announced that now would be the perfect time to go soak and she wasn't taking no for an answer.

Yona and Calista were left no other choice than to follow the bossy girl taking direction, though Calista grumbled a lot more about it than the princess did.

It wasn't that she didn't want to spend more time with Yona, she really did, she just wasn't sure how she felt about being separated from the guys.

Since the baths were separated by gender, Calista felt uneasy having Shin-ah, Zeno and Yoon all the way on the other side of the hotel.

If something were to happen, she wouldn't be able to make it there in time. If one of them got hurt, she wouldn't be there to help.

Calista shook her head slightly to stop herself from going too far and Yona glanced her way worriedly.

"Calista?" She called out softly, catching the attention of the other girls and the raven-haired fighter looked the other way.

"I'm alright." She reassured easily, flashing her a smile that she hoped was more convincing than her words were.

Shin-ah hadn't wanted to let her go either, prompting an eye roll from Yoon and a fond smile from Zeno when they embraced as though they weren't going to see each other for a long time but Calista knew better.

The things they had sorted out and worked through were still fresh and she wanted him to know that she hadn't forgotten, just like he wanted to make sure that she knew how much he loved her.

Her silver eyes flickered up to meet his mask and she could already envision the concern that would be swimming in his golden orbs as he traced her jaw with his thumb from where his hand was resting against her neck.

Warm and secure.

"Call me if you need me, and I'll be there." Calista promised quietly.

Shin-ah tilted his head down to rest his forehead against hers and let out a soft sigh, his breath tickling her face. And she knew what that meant, what he couldn't quite articulate because Zeno and Yoon were standing there and waiting for him to finish a few paces away.

The exact same went for him.

"There's an even more luxurious, well-established inn in Shisen." Lili told Yona haughtily, breaking Calista out of her thoughts. "This is probably a rare opportunity for you, so tell me if you want anything."

Calista fought the urge to roll her eyes. If only she knew that Yona was the princess of the kingdom, the same spoiled princess who had been showered with gifts of expensive perfumes, jewels and imported clothing from all over the country.

But she also recognized that this was probably Lili's way of being kind, so she let the somewhat underhanded comment about Yona's supposed status roll off of her.

Tetora leaned her face into her hand as she brought up and gushed. "It's so unusual for Lady Lili to invite a friend over!!"

"We're not friends." Lili corrected her attendant flatly, inclining her head slightly at Yona's various scrapes and patches of discoloration all over her body. "Anyway, what's with those bruises?"

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