Chapter 83: Parting Words

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Back in another Fire Tribe village where the sickness had spread, Tae-jun was trying to discern what the matter was with the man lying on the ground. He was clutching his abdomen in obvious pain, but all of the soldiers informed him that the doctors were all busy at the moment.

"He has a stomach ache."

The noble whipped his head around in shock at the new voice.

"Lord Tae-jun, is he an associate of yours?" An oblivious soldier asked, pointing to Yoon who was squatting beside the sick man.

He struggled to come up with a response that wouldn't give away the boy's connection to the bandits when the pretty boy answered for him.

"I live in a nearby pharmacy." He said simply, taking the man's temperature to check for a fever.

If any of them looked closely enough, they would have noticed his ragged breathing from running and the dirt embedded in his clothes and skin from travel.

Tae-jun was still tripping over his words. "Y-You... You..."

"You must have eaten a poisonous herb." Yoon didn't pay him any mind as he focused all of his efforts on his patient. "Take this powder and take it in slowly with water."

"You!!" Tae-jun finally hissed, careful not to catch the attention of his soldiers or fighters loitering around the area. "If you come out here in a place like this—"

I won't be able to protect you!! Was what he wanted to say but didn't.

"What? I am just an extremely kind Fire Tribe citizen." The pretty boy beamed innocently, trying to leave a weak impression on the nearby officials.

It succeeded somewhat as the others turned away to finish up their tasks, but the noble stayed with him.

Jae-ha was up in a tree somewhere on the outskirts of the village. He had dropped off the boy a little bit away since if he came too close, he was sure to be recognized. His long, green hair was hard to hide. So he was lounging around until he needed to be brought back.

Yoon told Tae-jun how Yona wanted to come too, but it was too dangerous for her so Hak wouldn't let her. The noble was shocked to find out she wanted to come and fiercely hoped it was because she wanted to see him.

"Today, I'll be the nurse here." The genius told him, rolling up his sleeves. "Leave the sick and injured to me."


He was cut off by his soldiers' clamor rising from the ranks as they observed the interaction.

"We can't underestimate you, Lord Tae-jun!!"

"Huh?" He squeaked, dumbfounded as to why they all looked so cheerful.

"We thought you were surveying the area quite frequently but you were actually picking up this cute girl, right?" Another piped up knowingly.

"Excuse me?" Tae-jun's affronted scoff made Yoon's blank expression crack just the tiniest bit.

"I'll let you know that I am a pretty boy." He emphasized, placing his hands on his hips.

"Boy? Anything is fine!! Welcome, welcome!!"

The soldiers were so used to seeing the elderly and the rugged faces of each other that even the pretty boy was a refreshing sight. Clustering around him, they harped him with questions, most more flirty than he expected from full-grown and trained men.

Yoon glanced down, unable to stop a small smile from spreading across his face. If that stubborn raven-haired fighter was here, he was sure she would have hit the soldiers over their heads, guarding him unnecessarily. Maybe she would throw in a snarky remark or two to keep them on their toes while simultaneously making sure he was alright.

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