Extra: Heated [Oneshot]

693 31 49

Warning: Suggestive content (just in case), they kiss a lot in this filler, kinda descriptive makeout session 😳

Words: 3.6k

Another week passed by in the blink of an eye and they had taken to venturing out of the cave during daylight, returning only at the end of the day to sleep.

Yona had resumed her swordsmanship training with Hak. Zeno stuck to Yoon's side like glue as he cooked food and mended the clothes that needed it. Jae-ha was teaching Kija how to set traps to catch game, even though the white dragon really didn't want to know. The white dragon much rather preferred tasks that involved brute strength rather than the finesse that the green dragon clearly had over him.

Shin-ah was helping Calista retrain her muscles through very light exercises. And when Yoon said light, he meant it, but the blue dragon took it a step further.

"Uh, Shin-ah, I think you can put me down." Calista said, poking his cheek.

He shook his head firmly.

She was currently situated on his back, his arms hooked underneath her legs to keep her steady. No matter how many times she insisted that she could walk just fine now, he never seemed to listen to her.

The only thing he permitted her to do was take a brief walk with him every morning as exercise.

Calista puffed out her cheeks. She loved him but honestly, she had no idea he could be overprotective of her.

"You do know that if I don't start to try and do things by myself again that I'll just be a burden to you later on, right?" She said, hoping to get him to realize where she was going with this so that he would put her down but to no such luck.

If anything, his hold on her tightened and sighing, she gave up. She had an inkling he needed to hold her close and now she wasn't going to do anything to dispute him. She acutely remembered what it was like when he had been stabbed.

How it felt like the world stopped turning.

She could humor him for now.

That was, until the sound of bubbling water reached her ears.

A grin spreading across her face, she craned her neck to try and get a glimpse of the stream over his head. She had yet to see it for herself and according to Zeno, it was beautiful.

The stream wasn't as big as the river that they had trekked to along the Fire Tribe's border, this one was much quieter, soothing. It flowed languidly through the banks carved into the ground, and disappeared into the horizon.

He had brought her to the edge, hidden behind a grove of trees, branches overarching above and causing the sunlight to dot the grass below.

The forest was thick here, undoubtedly due in part to the freshwater source the tree roots and vegetation thrived off of.

There was a pool underneath an outcropping of rock, creating a small, private cove that the stream fed into. Its crystal clear waters shimmered as the light danced off of it, making it sparkle like jewels and she was elated.

The current was lazy, flowing over smooth rocks and this part of the forest was extremely secluded and well hidden.

They wouldn't be bothered for a while.

Calista automatically went to pull her shirt off her head as soon as he set her down but winced as a dull throb of pain shot through her arms. She forgot.

Without using them much these past few weeks, she was no longer used to doing the simplest of tasks.

"Ah, Shin-ah?" She called out nervously, squeaking in surprise when he tapped her on the shoulder, whirling around so fast she almost lost her balance.

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