Chapter 113: Return of the Happy Hungry Bunch

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Li Hazara was stunned.

The seven figures atop three horses made his eyes grow wide with a fear he didn't understand. The villager who had gotten caught out shrieked fearfully as he caught sight of them too, volume increasing in unsanctioned levels of terror.

"This is a battlefield." Yona said to the villagers still outside without raising her voice so that she didn't scare them. "Before you get involved, leave this place."

Taking her words immediately to heart, they scattered, leaving the Sen Province army staring down the small band of bandits who had stopped them.

Hazara's jaw locked, having no clue as to who they were. "You aren't soldiers from the Wind Tribe, are you?"

Calling out his name, Yona ordered him to be still and her tone left no room for argument.

"You invaded Kouka Kingdom." The wind swept her hood to the side, revealing that same terrifyingly calm look that Hazara had seen in the king. "In addition, if you frighten the citizens, don't think you'll get off lightly."

He clicked his tongue in disbelief.

Who was this child threatening him?

"Get rid of them." Hazara ordered his army with a wave of his hand.

His soldiers galloped forth, closing the gap between them rapidly.

They didn't get within twenty feet of Yona and Hak before a huge, white claw slammed several to the dirt. Shocked and outraged clamor rose from the enemy's ranks at his power, calling him a monster and scrambling to shoot him down.

But before they could get anywhere, there was movement up above.

"Watch out!!"

A shower of blades rained down on them, a flicker of green the only distinguishable feature of the shadow that flew above the crowd.

Bringing his glaive around, Hak tucked Yona further into his chest so that she was protected as he took care of the stray soldiers, sweeping the large weapon around in an arc.

Shin-ah took advantage of Jae-ha's distraction to attack, jumping down from behind Zeno and weaving in and out of the ranks, Ao tucked safely in the front of his shirt. Alongside Kija, the two of them cleared out the soldiers blocking the way faster than the speed of light.

Hazara couldn't take his eyes off of the scene in front of him as his soldiers were slaughtered as though these monsters were squishing bugs.

Knowing he didn't stand a chance against these mysterious monsters, he turned tail and ran.

Nobody cut off his escape route. Thundering hooves made the earth shake as the remainder of the soldiers followed their leader back into their rightful country, where they belonged.

Shin-ah watched them go, content with letting them go ahead without any more bloodshed. The faint ringing of bells from far away set his heart at ease.

She was close. She was watching and waiting for the princess' call.

But Yona instructed Hak to turn away. They had a bigger fight to quell.

"General Soo-jin."

The foreign voice caused the man's eyes to shoot open. He looked down upon her from his horse to where she was standing.

"So, you were alive..." He deliberated out loud, the jeer on his face almost provoking the dragons beside her into action.

Yona didn't flinch, staying strong with her companions by her side. Hak didn't react as the general clearly showed his disdain, curtailing his temper for the sake of the princess.

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