Chapter 157: Lady Lili

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Outside, the group regathered to do a quick head count and make sure they hadn't missed anyone in the fray. Yona had gotten changed into her usual dress and cloak as soon as the fight was over, Hak suggesting that she do it right away once everything was under control.

Though it was clear the dragons and to Yoon that he wasn't actually asking.

Too many eyes had lingered on her that night and the former general may or may not have gotten a teensy bit protective, if his bruised and bloodied knuckles from pummeling those leering at her were anything to go by.

"Even though it was because of the nadai, to hit a lady... they deserve to be punished." Jae-ha said, his eyes darkened as they landed on the many marks littering the mysterious girl's skin that they had rescued.

She still had yet to tell them her name.

Yona was doing alright, Hak was attached to her side far closer than was normal or necessary but given that he had just watched her being grabbed by a bunch of hooligans, Jae-ha decided that he could let it pass without teasing them.

Besides, from his perspective, they looked like they were rather enjoying each other's company, even if they wouldn't look directly at each other.

As Hak drifted from Yona's side long enough to take care of the families coming by to pick up the addicts they had rounded up on the side of the street, Zeno bounded over to her to fill the empty space and he tugged on her hand to show her what a new flower he found.

Jae-ha's jaw clenched as he mulled over Calista's injuries he had caught a glimpse of during the fight. She was too reckless but he saw what she did when she tried to save Yona and that other girl but strangely enough, she had disappeared from their group. Along with Shin-ah.

How odd.

Oh well, if they were together then there was nothing to worry about. They could take care of each other just fine.

"You're lucky your nose wasn't broken." Yoon scolded, tending to the girl's bruises and cleaned up her face. "With this, the swelling should go down in a few days."

"I'm glad." Yona said in relief, happy that her scratches weren't anything serious.

The girl sat quietly and seemed lost in her thoughts, her face flushed but it was impossible to tell whether or not it was because she was embarrassed or because of something else. Her long blue hair could be seen clearly now, half of it pinned up with a jeweled flower hairpin, letting two sections wrapped with ribbon flow freely in the front.

"What is your name?" Yona asked kindly.

She twitched, her hands tightening into fists in her lap, resting on top of her skirt that had gotten dirty during the skirmish.

The princess came closer, tilting her head curiously. "You were watching us the whole time, right? Will you tell us why?"

The girl's expression blanked as she was caught and called out on her actions from earlier that day.

"Is... Isn't it normal to name yourself first?!" She screeched incredulously, huffing in annoyance.

Yona's eyes rounded in surprise at her retort and she blinked.

"You guys are suspicious!! You're wearing strange clothing and you're going around town and investigating things!!" The blue-haired girl exclaimed indignantly, puffing out her cheeks slightly. "I thought you were a dancer but then you go and do a flying kick on somebody!!"

Jae-ha, Kija and Yoon all stilled while Yona's lips parted in surprise at her candor. The two dragons and the pretty boy were impressed, worried and irritated, in that order at the princess' kick when they saw it at the time.

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