Chapter 151: Assault from the Addicted

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Trigger Warning: harassment, assault, darker themes, non-con elements. Nothing terribly severe happens, i dont go in depth, but it's enough for me to put this here just in case. If it makes you uncomfy, please dont feel as though you have to read it!!

Right after Yona asked if she was alright, she hopped off of the stage to help her up as Calista went to restrain the man. "Can you stand?"

"Ah..." The girl winced as she tried to pull her up. Her legs, they didn't have any strength left in them.

Knees shaking, she tried but she couldn't manage it on her own.

Hooking her arm around her shoulders, Yona got her up to her feet.

"Let's get you treated." She huffed, trying to steer her towards a less crowded corner so that she could get her out of harm's way.

But there were men surrounding them in an instant and they were trapped on all sides.

The girl with dark blue hair and a scuffed face from that skirmish earlier had her eyes widening in horror when the man Calista had been holding down staggered to his feet. "Didn't you beat him?!"

Calista gnashed her teeth, forced to let him go since she didn't have any rope. Her strength wasn't enough to keep him still and if she held onto him any longer, she was sure he would've sent her flying into a wall.

Yona was still breathing hard from her dance and the aftermath of a kick that magnitude. "Like I thought, it didn't affect him much..."

"You came flying out even though you're weak?!" The girl snapped and Calista raised an eyebrow at her tone, finding it rather audacious coming from her.

"Yeah, since you had blood coming out of your nose." Yona replied nonchalantly.

"Wha... I'm not bleeding from my nose!!" She denied indignantly, but covered her face all the same despite what she was claiming to be true.

Calista darted past them, eyes narrowed as she stopped someone from getting too close, kicking him to the floor. Carefully.

"You two can argue later, right now, focus on what's in front of you!!" She shouted over her shoulder, opening her mouth to instruct them to run when the sight her eyes landed on made her freeze.

An enraged cry ripped from her throat when Yona's arm was yanked away from the blue-haired girl and the fighter whirled around to see the princess struggling against two burly men who had caught her around her neck, restraining her arms so that she couldn't fight back.

Yona cried out in pain as their hold on her arm tightened, bruising her.

And Calista saw red.

She swore she never moved so fast in her life than when she saw their grubby hands all over her.

The addicts were so busy taunting Yona, demanding her to dance more and smile for them that they missed the assassin that came flying at them at unprecedented speeds.

Calista swept her leg at his feet, knocking him off balance and darted in close to the other while his friend was incapacitated.

Masking her disgust and rage with unnerving ease, her expression morphed into one of unbridled happiness and she giggled, winking at him.

His hold loosened on Yona for a second in shock at her flirtation up close and that was all she needed.

Hauling the princess out of the way, Calista's body twisted powerfully as she delivered a kick with a force and precision that rivaled Yona's from earlier at his temple, knocking him out cold.

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