Chapter 149: Bodyguards and Boyfriends

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Warning: Suggestive themes (im so sorry i tried to hold back but it didnt work xD hope you like it anyways)

Calista sighed at the interruption, ripping it open without pause to yell at the person on the other side of the door.

"HAK, WE'RE BUSY RIGHT NOW!!!!" She shouted with zero consideration about how the sound probably carried all the way downstairs.

Hak, his fist still raised in the air from where he had been knocking, lifted an eyebrow, unamused. He knew she knew it was him, he hadn't changed how he knocked in years. And after countless years of pounding on the front door to her shack in the Wind Tribe, it was a wonder how she put up with it.

Raising an eyebrow at his stance, she asked, "Anything wrong?"

She didn't think anything was but it was second nature to make sure.

"Are you done? Jae-ha's ready for you." He drawled, crossing his arms over his chest as he ignored her question in favor of the beautiful distraction standing behind her.

Calista smirked as his gaze flickered for a split second over her shoulder and she moved aside, knowing exactly what he was doing. He wasn't being subtle in the slightest.

Punching his shoulder lightly, she shouldered past him but not before whispering cheekily, "Have fun."

Hak and Yona were both dumbfounded as she exited, looking at each other in confusion as she left them alone.

Scratching the back of his neck, Hak's gaze finally landed on her attire and his face colored at the sight of her bare midriff.

Similarly, Yona grew self-conscious at the lack of clothing draped over her form, pulling the sleeves of her shawl down and tucking her arms close to her body to hide herself.

Her eyes shot open when he caught her wrists faster than she could process, lips parting in shock when he sprung back almost immediately, as if he had been scalded.


He refused to look at her. "Forgive me, Princess."

He was frustrated with himself. After all these years, he thought that it would get easier to control himself around her but it never did. Cursing his inability to keep himself under control, he pivoted on his foot, keen on leaving before he made a mess of things any further.

This time, Yona was the one to stop him.

Hak's eyes went wide as he suddenly felt her crash into his back, her small hands gripping the back of his coat and he stiffened, halting in his tracks.

His eyes narrowed when she failed to say anything. "Princess?"

But when her shoulders shook in the way that he knew meant she was close to crying, he couldn't stop himself in time.

Turning around instantly, his large hand found its way into her hair and he tilted her head back so he could see her face clearly. The intimacy of the gesture was lost on him as concern overrode his senses.

Yona's eyes were watering and she sniffled, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, not caring about how it streaked across her cheeks.

When she finally spoke, her voice was so quiet, so fragile, that he would've missed it if he wasn't intently listening for it.

"Am I really that ugly that you can't stand to look at me?" She whispered, her voice cracking with vulnerability.

He often joked that she had no sex appeal but this time when it counted the most for their mission, for him not to even be able to stand in the same room spoke volumes. This time, she actually tried her hardest to look her best.

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