Chapter 74: Chief Se-dol and Grandmother Mi-rae

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Getting to her feet slowly, she casted him a worried look. He waved her off.

"Don't worry, I'm going back to where my injured patient is. I'll be fine." Tucking the basket under his arm, Yoon placed his hands on his hips. "And if you feel like hitting him, I suggest focusing on Shin-ah. It's helped you in the past before."

Calista gaped at him as he walked away. He wasn't wrong, but there was no way he could have known. Nothing changed that they had shown. She was being so careful.

It wasn't that she didn't want their friends to know, but if word got out that she had a weakness, he could be used against her. She had already seen him hurt severely once, and that was one time too many.

She shook her head and tried to clear it, smiling as the blue dragon popped up in her mind.

Ugh, am I really that predictable?

Running through the streets, she caught up to the princess and the second son easily. But the genius pretty boy was right, as usual. She felt the tendrils of fury that had gripped her heart loosen and then let go.

The sight before her made her jaw drop and she skidded to a halt just before she crashed into a wall.

Yona was strolling through the village with an enchanted Tae-jun behind her, but that wasn't what made her lose her composure.

Hak was following them on the rooftops while Jae-ha targeted him from above and Kija wished him death with his eyes coupled with his very large claw.

She was sure they were trying to be intimidating as possible without attracting any attention, but the three 'dragons' held a closer resemblance to doofuses.

"I'm not sure the three of you understand the meaning of incognito."

Their heads snapped to her so fast that Jae-ha lost his footing. He plummeted to the ground, but landed on his feet skillfully and she chortled.

"You were flailing around like a bird there for a second, Droopy-Eyes."

Even Kija snickered and her grin widened at the sound. It was too bad someone else heard it, too.

Calista smiled sheepishly at Yona, then gestured shyly if she could tag along. Receiving acknowledgement, she breezed past Tae-jun and positioned herself in between them.

"Uncle Se-dol," Yona addressed the elder of the village respectfully as they came to the edge of town. "How is the harvest?"

Calista's eyes were laced with sympathy as he sighed heavily. "Not good. I went out and gathered some nuts and fruits from trees, but... I got some grass from the surrounding area."

A look of disgust flickered across Tae-jun's expression as he peered into the nearly empty bowl to find weeds instead of actual food. The fighter shot him a judgemental look, but didn't open her mouth.

"Ah, wait a second."

In a flash, Yona had her bow up and drawn back, shooting down a bird effortlessly.

"Here, this is for dinner." She offered it up to the chief humbly.

"You've gotten a lot better, Yona." Se-dol complimented, accepting the meat gratefully. When portioned correctly, it would feed the children tonight.

Calista clapped to herself, commending the princess' dedication to her training. She had gotten much farther with her trusty bow.

Perhaps it's time to finally teach her... I did promise her.

Tae-jun was in shock over her display of archery, but shook it off as best as he could as they walked a little farther. Calista kept pace with them, stopping the three troublemakers who were still tailing them on more than one occasion from permanently damaging Yona's companion.

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