Chapter 164: Resurfacing Insecurities

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On the way to their shared room where she knew Yona was probably changing and overthinking her newly admitted feelings for Hak, Calista found herself veering off to the side to go see someone in particular.

Absentmindedly, she milled down the nearly empty hallway. Her bare feet made no sound as it contacted softly with the heated floor panels that must have cost a fortune to extend to the entirety of the hotel.

Poor Yona.

Calista resisted the urge to dip into the waistband of her robe to pull out a knife to fiddle with, knowing full well that she didn't have any weapons on her since they went to the baths.

A small frown set on her face as she hurried to her destination, her skin crawling as she passed by countless rooms with the doors shut. There was only one thing on her mind as kind lavender eyes were slowly replaced by glittering gold, her heartbeat drumming in her ears as she made her way down the hall.

I want to see him.

She wouldn't be gone long. She just wanted to see him.

Calista didn't know why the feeling was so strong as she got closer to where she wanted to go. It took her by surprise and confused her.

Why was she so unsteady?

Just for a second. She convinced herself, sneaking a peek through the crack in the door to scour the men's section for any sign of blue hair. Just to make sure they're all alright and then I'll go.

Of course she knew they were probably fine. They could all handle themselves, even with Yoon being a pacifist.

Of course she wanted to see all three of them. Her significant other just happened to make her heart ache for some reason, making it feel like it was the strongest feeling out of all of them.

Grumbling under her breath in frustration as she failed to catch a glimpse of them, she ventured stealthily past the door that blocked the inn off from the men's side and snuck further back where there was a huge row of other doors.

Calista gulped and wiped her sweaty palms on her thighs.

This is fine, right?

She halted just outside of the hot springs designated for two dragons and a Yoon, as written on the plaque hanging from an iron nail on the outside door, but the hand she raised to knock froze in the air.

What am I doing?

Yona was her first priority.

Spinning on her heel, Calista made haste back to where the princess resided. Nevermind that she was overreacting like a scared and insecure little girl, she had someone she had to protect. Someone that she was entrusted to protect.

I'm such an idiot.

Footfalls pounded against the floor, disregarding her previous caution to keep quiet. Her hair came undone from the loose bun she had hastily put up, damp black strands whipping around her face as she ran.

Ao held on for dear life, waving like a leaf in the wind as the fighter sped up.

Her heavy breathing was all that filled the air with each step that thudded against the floor and just as she raced around the corner, she skidded to a halt, just managing to avoid crashing into the said princess as she exited the room.

"Calista!!" Yona blurted out, her lavender eyes widening in surprise at the blatant fear in her friend's eyes.

Floundering for a second to maintain her balance, Calista blew her hair out of her eyes, smiling apologetically at the younger girl for startling her. But she couldn't help but feel relieved.

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