Chapter 53: Blood Claims

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The following night, Yona found Calista winding gauze around her knuckles. The dragons were clumped together, engaged in some kind of discussion about the odd friendship between a particular Seiryuu and his squirrel.

"You can't be serious..."

"Shin-ah, just give her to me for a second!"

There was a feeble noise of protest and then a very loud shout.

"Yah, Jae-ha! What are you doing?!"

"Relax Kija, you worry too much."

Hak had drifted off at the base of a nearby tree, and Yoon was already asleep as the squirrel was passed back and forth between the dragons. A very distressed Shin-ah tried to get his fluffy companion back, chasing them around as the mischievous Ryokuryuu held her just out of his reach.

Tilting her head in the princess' direction to acknowledge her presence, Calista quietly relayed her plan. "I have to go back tonight."

"To the underground?" Yona's eyes were wide.

Shin-ah had finally managed to get ahold of Ao, staring straight at Jae-ha, who continued to tease him and try to take his mask off.

Calista nodded firmly, detaching the guards from her arms that held her daggers, swiftly pawning them to Zeno.

He squeaked in surprise, just barely catching it before it hit the ground. This caught the attention of everyone else in their circle. 

"Miss Notch, you can't go down there tonight!!" Zeno cried out, waking up Hak from his light slumber.

"What's going on?" He stumbled to his feet, attentive gaze sweeping the premises.

She hushed her brother, setting his worries at ease. "I have something to take care of, can you keep watch tonight?"

Grimacing lightly at his sleepy nod of acknowledgement, she regretted asking him. He was utterly exhausted, having been taking watch every night so that the rest of them could sleep. But there was no one else she trusted to do it.

Jae-ha narrowed his eyes at the Thunder Beast. "Hak, you're exhausted." He stated bluntly, halting his playful persona. "Go to sleep, I'll take the first watch."

"Actually," Calista rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly. "You've got to come with me tonight."

All eyes peered at her curiously.

He stared at her questioningly and she explained further, "You weren't there that night when I extended protection to the rest of them, so you need to be there as it's solidified."

A hand shot up. "Zeno wants to come with!!"

Calista jerked her chin in his direction. "Stay here."


"You can't go back." She said softly, meeting his gaze. "Let me handle this, okay?"

The golden-haired boy saw the resolve in her eyes and reluctantly nodded, pouting sadly in the process. Yona frowned. "Does this have something to do with the blood claims you mentioned before?"

Calista hesitated, but her expression remained blank. She couldn't give her an explanation yet, not until it was over. "Not yet, Your Highness. Soon, but not yet."

Yona opened her mouth to object at the lack of information, but Zeno stopped her.

"The Miss will find out in time." He piped up reassuringly. 

She backed off, going to stand next to Kija and Jae-ha sauntered up. "Alright, so when do we leave?"

"Right now." Calista took off the cloak Yoon had picked out for her, folding it carefully and placing it with her satchel and assortment of weapons. "And lose your knives, unless you want others to steal them."

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