Chapter 77: Changing Colors

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Various cries of the princess' name echoed through the air.

"It's too much for you!!" Yoon shouted.

"Princess, you look like a newborn fawn." Hak snickered, dodging the kick his sister sent his way.

"Princess, I can..." Kija offered up lamely.

Zeno had opted to stay behind with Shin-ah for the majority of the day, offering to come down later and help out if the blue dragon was feeling better. Jae-ha had been gone since last night, and the only one to question it was Yoon. Hak appeared as if he didn't care and Kija informed the youngest that he was pretty far away, but moving quickly.

He had a feeling he would be back by sunset at the latest.

Yona huffed with the exertion of carrying as much water as everyone else was. Kija had his dragon hand, Yoon was pulling a wagon to make it easier, Hak made it look effortless and even Calista was carrying it up the hill without complaint.

"I need... to build up my strength." The princess said through gritted teeth, determination coursing through her veins. "Besides, even one container is a lot. They need water, right?"

Hak grinned proudly after her, and Calista elbowed him in the ribs.

"You look weird, Marshy."

"You're one to talk. Who woke up with Shin-ah looking like they were just dragged through a ditch?"

She spun on her heel, aiming for his feet but he predicted it. Jumping cleanly over it, he landed firmly on his feet, sticking his tongue out at her. She chased him until they both were viciously scolded by Yoon.

Luckily, they didn't spill any water or else the sharp-tongued pretty boy would've had both of their heads and made them make the trek all the way back to the river.

Hak knew what had happened last night, and he was impressed that she let Shin-ah get close to her that soon after she woke up. In all his years of growing up with her, no one had ever been able to get her that calm that fast. But he did have to pry the others away from the tent once she started talking about her past.

That stuff was private, and he was confident she would open up to the rest of them when she felt comfortable.

Just as the able-bodied fighter caught her second wind, she heard the gallop of a horse coming their way. Angling her body in front of the princess protectively, she squinted against the sun to see who it was.

One rider, fast-approaching, if we leave now the others can distract him and I can get her far away until—

"Princess!! Did you come here, too?"

Calista groaned, adjusting the stick across her shoulders as the tension from her body faded. "Great, rich boy's back again."

Hak guffawed, heaving his higher. She stuck her tongue out at him childishly at the obvious display of strength. Her arms were already burning with the effort, there was no way she could match it and he knew it.

Tae-jun reigned his horse in, eyes locked on Yona who was looking up at him in confusion. "To be able to meet you in a place such as this, it must be fate!!"

Calista muttered under her breath, "Does he think he's still dreaming?"

Yona giggled at her friend's words, and the fighter flashed her a grin.

Placing his hand over his heart dramatically, the slightly delusional noble announced, "Even taking the effort to ride my horse such a long way—"

Hak had heard enough of his simpering. "White Snake, drag him off."


Yona ignored the chaotic scene they were creating as he protested being dragged off of his own steed. "You're just in time, Tae-jun!! Come with us!!"

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