Chapter 90: Breaking Down Walls

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"Calista!! Can you help me?" Yona bounded over to where she was at, and the moment was gone. "Aro told me it's time to get ready."

Despite her energy, the princess was still feeling shaky. The tears had receded, but she still clutched onto the decorative hairpin as if her life depended on it.

Springing up at once to assist her, Calista tossed an apologetic look over her shoulder as she heard Shin-ah whine under his breath at the loss of contact.

"I'll be back later, and I'll explain everything." She whispered the promise, planting a soft kiss on his cheek.

He gazed after her until she disappeared from his sight, stretching out his legs in front of him and tapping his toes together as he waited for her to return. Hak came to keep him company, and together, the two watched Zeno dance happily in a ring around the fire as they waited for the princess to appear for her performance.

Calista and Yona found themselves in a tent not even a minute later, crowded with the other girls who were going to help her get ready.

Where they even managed to get clothing that fit the small-framed princess was beyond Calista's knowledge, and she was not going to ask. They were already too chatty for her liking.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

It was just a little too much for her to handle when she was supposed to be on the lookout for any threats. Too many things to concentrate on gave her a headache.

But a warm smile stretched across her features as Yona stepped out from behind the privacy curtain. 

The princess was draped in a beaded dress with a heavy hair piece adorning her red locks which had grown a bit longer since she cut it off. Now, the village girls were trying to find something else to put in her hair on top of what she was already wearing.

Calista exhaled forcefully, growing exasperated at the chaotic mess around her. Her head was spinning with how many things they had thrown at her in the last minute, not to mention the anxiety she was feeling from the lurking shadow and the lost chance to tell Shin-ah about what was bothering her.

Later. I promise I'll tell him later. She vowed silently to herself. No matter what, I won't back out of this. I can trust him. 

Aro and a couple of the others protested and paused their search when Yona complained that her head felt heavy. They didn't stop there, pointing out her short hair and how she would never attract a man if she didn't grow it out. But when they commented on the handsome men in their group, Calista chuckled at all of their bluntness.

"Hey, is there anyone that you're dating in that group?" One of them asked Yona.


"Then, do they have girlfriends?!"

Calista opened, but then shut her mouth, conflicted as to whether or not she should say anything about Shin-ah and her.

I don't know whether or not he wants people to know about us... She winced. And if they do, they might bug him about why he's with someone like me.

She knew she wasn't delicate like some girls or extraordinarily beautiful. Her body was scarred and skin blemished. She was stubborn, not submissive, and headstrong. The insecurities flooded her thoughts and her heart cracked in two the more she thought about reasons why Shin-ah might one day leave her. 

Yona shot her a helpless look, but Calista was staring off into the distance and didn't notice and slowly drew out, "No, I don't think so but one does and—"

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