Chapter 7: Hairpin

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Hak glanced up as he saw Calista approaching, before his gaze returned to the sleeping princess beside him. She leaned against the tree behind her, motioning at his feet. Hak raised an eyebrow, but extracted the small knife and handed it to her anyways. Calista took it with a nod of thanks, before shredding the sleeves and bottom hem of her shirt. Balling the fabric up in her fist, she packed the wound on her shoulder, haphazardly tying it with the strip of material taken from the hem.

"We need to move." He murmured, more to himself than to her. Calista nodded even though she knew he couldn't see her. She tried to hand the blade back to him, but Hak shook his head, muttering a quiet 'keep it'. Calista clutched it in her hands, taking some small comfort in the familiar steel, before securing it in her waistband. The general got to his feet, gently shaking her shoulder to ease the princess from her slumber. Yona blinked her vacant eyes wearily, body listless.

Hak glanced at the assassin, a silent command to take the lead, but Calista shook her head, motioning for him to go first. He narrowed his eyes in response.

"I will watch her back."

The general froze, hearing her voice for the first time since their exchange at the castle without any sass, or any of its usual vigor. Hak stared at her, but Calista didn't meet his gaze. He shook himself out of his trance, pulling the princess along with him.

Just how much of it was true? How much did Soo-won really know about her? Is the only reason he brought her along to the castle was to cause a distraction, knowing almost no one would believe her except for me?

Guilt flooded his eyes as he remembered Calista's trusting and relieved eyes as she told him about the plan she suspected of against Yona. How could he be so blind? 

He subtly watched as Calista maintained a distance, her alert eyes flitting as they caught even the smallest of movements. There was a certain resignation in her stride, and his eyes widened as realization dawned on him. He knew that defeat, that hopelessness. He had seen it on the battlefield. 

She's preparing herself to die.

Hak risked a look over his shoulder and saw Calista treading silently through the forest floor, keeping one hand on her hip, the other seemingly relaxed at her side. Her silver eyes were darting around them, thoroughly scanning their surroundings for any signs of enemy presence. He sighed under his breath, and trudged onward, towards Fuuga, the capital of the Wind Tribe.

His homeland. 

Despite the circumstances, Calista couldn't suppress the sliver of excitement that shot through her as she realized the path they were on was pointed towards Fuuga. It had been too long since she had been back there, and she was eager to see it again. 

As the sun fell over the horizon, Hak indicated his chin to the direction behind her and Calista nodded without hesitation, speeding off to scout. Using one arm, she flung her exhausted body up the nearest tree, almost falling as she lost her grip. Calista quickly caught herself with her other arm, despite the agony that tore through her upper body at the strain. The sound of rocks sparking and wood crackling almost had her smiling, but she quickly wiped all traces of it off her face.


She wouldn't let anything happen to them. Hak would do anything to keep Yona safe, so she would watch out for him too. 

I can do it. I can protect them both.

Calista grimaced as she landed awkwardly on the ground as she missed her footing, causing pain to shoot through her arm from her shoulder. She glanced underneath the flimsy fabric, noticing the dots of blood that seeped through her rough patch job. 

She really needed a new tunic. The already well-worn material was practically sheer now and did nothing to maintain her body temperature. 


Her hair blew behind her as she shook her head to clear the fog that had settled in her mind. She studied the area for signs of movement after her clumsy display, but all was still. Calista breathed out a sigh of relief. That could have cost her, there was no room for mistakes. Hak and Yona's lives were on the line. 

Once she was satisfied that no one was following them, she raced back to where her brother and the princess were. Calista bent her knees, lowering her body into a defensive crouch upon arrival. Her eyebrow furrowed in confusion when she stumbled upon the campfire, which was thoroughly doused in water. 

Calista's head snapped up as she heard rapid, heavy footfalls. She grinned as soon as she recognized that it was Hak's, but it fell as she heard the unevenness in his steps. 

He was faltering.

Something happened.

She leaped up from her position, sprinting to the direction of the sound. She broke through the thicket and nearly tripped over Yona, who was sitting on the ground just beside Hak. He was wrapping a bandage around his ankle and Calista narrowed her eyes. 

"Snakes." Hak brushed off her silent concern, before turning to Yona. She still looked lifeless, but there was something else in her eyes that wasn't there before. Calista stared at the young princess in contemplation as Hak reassured her that he was alright. 

Pulling something out of his robes, Calista was shocked when Hak waved a decorative hairpin in front of Yona. 

"Was this what you were looking for?" His gaze was scrutinizing as Yona's eyes widened in surprise. 

Of course. 

Calista nearly smacked herself in the head. It was the hairpin that Soo-won had given Yona for her 16th birthday. She winced as she remembered the traumatized look in the princess' eyes after the events of that night. It was clear that she hadn't yet come to terms with what had happened, and that she was far from letting her love go for the man she had known since childhood.

Yona hesitated, before reaching out to take the hairpin from Hak's hand. She stared at it with a mix of emotions, and Hak's eyes darkened. 

"I won't forgive Soo-won." Calista's gaze strayed from Yona's to her brother's. It was rare to see him this furious, and that was him toning it down for the princess' sake so that he didn't scare her. "But aside from that, I want you to live." 

Calista smiled softly at the young girl as she turned her wide eyes to the assassin. "As do I. Use me as you see fit, Your Highness."

She reached out a hand to help Yona to her feet. "C'mon," She encouraged the girl softly. "You're almost there. You're almost to safety."

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