Chapter 12: A Fighter Called Notch

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Calista bowed her head, but maintained eye contact with the shadowy man across from her. There was almost no light except the last rays of daylight streaming through the cracks in the wooden walls. The hut was bare as far as she could tell, and he was alone.

"Reaper." She pronounced icily.

He gave her a crooked smile, holding up a small bottle filled with clear liquid. "You're here for this, right?"

After so many visits, it was no surprise that he knew exactly what she was there for, but that didn't make it any less creepy.

She held out her hand, but he brought it out of reach, clicking his tongue at her. The sound sent a tremor down her spine. "You know the rules."

Calista rolled up her sleeve on her left arm, revealing scarred skin underneath. They were faded with age, but still visible to the naked eye. Scars crisscrossed every which way, each a reminder of the battles that she fought, each life she tried to rescue from this horrible life. The skin was pink where it was newly healed and the older ones grew darker over time.

It decorated her entire forearm. 

Violent slashes carved into her flesh as either payment for a life, or to exploit a debt that was owed.

The doctor's grin was sinister, pulling something from behind his back. Steel glittered dangerously in the golden light. She flinched as he slashed a shallow 'x' into her arm.

"Just one, huh?" She said, inspecting her arm closely. The mark turned scarlet as blood bubbled to the surface.

"What, you want more?" He held up the blade once more, crimson droplets creating a small puddle on the floor.

Calista hurriedly shook her head, bowing gratefully. He handed the bottle to her and she turned on her heel, leaving without another word.

On her way out, she made way over to Han-dae, palming the bottle to him. The bewilderment on his face was almost comical. He still had the money the elder gave him to pay for the medicine. Han-dae had a feeling he didn't want to know how she managed to obtain it from the doctor without it.

"Ride back. Make haste. Don't stop for anybody." Calista quickly instructed the shell-shocked boy.

Han-dae looked like he had a lot of questions, but the hardened expression on her face made them die on his tongue. He raised the side of his cloak, revealing the twin blades she had given to him earlier. 

Calista's hand shot out, covering the material back over it to hide the precious steel. She shook her head slightly, tilting it in the direction that she came in. 

The boy recognized the familiar cue. Han-dae then gathered the reins, urging his horse into a gallop. 

Calista watched over him, scanning the area for any signs of hostile movement until he was out of her sight. 

The moon was starting to rise in the sky, casting its soft glow on the grass beneath her as she made her way to the arena. The trees thickened until they disappeared. She came to a small clearing, seemingly empty at first glance.

Somehow, the moonlight didn't fill the space as much as it should have.

Now then... Calista smirked to herself as numerous figures appeared from behind the dark trees, disguised by the shadows. Who's first?

There was no need for conversation. Everyone was only here for one thing.

A fight.

The Tribes and towns of Kouka Kingdom believed the misconception that the underground didn't exist. 

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