Chapter 21: Catacombs

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The group walked in without much of a problem, but Calista shifted as dread set in the pit of her stomach. The pathway was almost entirely dark, so if this place was inhabited, that meant several things.

The people here didn't want to be found.

They weren't going to be welcoming.

And that they were hiding something. 

People who lived like this didn't want to be found. She knew from personal experience.

Calista narrowed her eyes as soon as she identified it as the gut feeling that was almost always followed by an unfortunate turn of events, and glanced at Hak to find him staring straight back at her. She ignored his questioning gaze, stiffly moving forward.

If I'm wrong, and this feeling ends up being nothing, then I worry him and the others for no reason.

She had yet to take off her mask since the run in with the bandits yesterday and her brother was growing concerned. He noticed that she only ever had it in on fights, so if she had it on now, that didn't mean anything good.

It was almost like she was preparing for trouble.

Hak was wondering if she felt something from this place. As far as he knew, he didn't do anything to upset her.

Well, except for yesterday, when he fought while injured. She never liked it when he did that.

Likewise, Bat-Ears. The sarcastic comment echoed in his head. 

Like brother, like sister.

The tunnels were dimly lit, and the group traveled slowly, with Yoon in the lead. 

"We need to be more discreet this time." Yoon instructed, eyes darting around warily. It appears that she wasn't the only one feeling unsettled. 

Calista walked next to him, putting him at ease a little. She was incredibly capable when it came to protecting him. 

The path opened up into a broad cave, adorned with some kind of tapestries at the multiple entrances. Calista's eyes scanned it quickly. It was dome-shaped, with a fire burning in the middle, sufficiently lighting up the area but it looked terrifying.

The shadows from the flames danced along the rock eerily, almost as if it was a warning.

Someone came out of the shadows, and Calista immediately pulled Yoon behind her, sheltering Yona with her body, not wanting a repeat of what happened in Hakuryuu's village.

Hak took up a place next to her, ready to do anything if they made a move, but was far enough to not seem like a threat if they turned out to be friendly.

Kija, on the other hand...

"Bring Seiryuu here!!" He ordered loudly.

Calista winced at his volume and Yoon impassively muttered, "Now that's being too forward."

The watchful assassin didn't miss the way the elder's expression clouded over slightly. The rest were wearing masks that covered their entire face. She couldn't read them, but...

They were hiding something.

Her eyes narrowed. It was right after Seiryuu was mentioned, which meant that they knew something. 

And their reaction told her that they didn't want them to find him.

She shared a knowing look with Hak. It appeared that this place might be the exact opposite of Hakuryuu's village.

At least I won't get thrown in a cage this time.

Kija kept foolishly insisting that they bring him here, gesturing to Yona impatiently, as if it would change their minds and Calista was barely restraining herself from knocking him out. 

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