Chapter 18: Intent to Kill

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"Red-haired princess!" Yoon directed to Yona, who straightened to attention.

"Ex-general Thunder Beast!" He continued, jabbing a finger at Hak. The man just stared back at him blankly.

"You!" The genius pretty boy glared at Calista.

She grinned. "What? I don't get a fun nickname?"

"You better hope you don't get one!!" Yoon snapped, flicking her on the forehead, making the assassin cry out pathetically. Hak snickered at that and Yona couldn't help the giggle that slipped out.

"Genius pretty boy!" Yoon shouted, pointing to himself. "We look suspicious so you two need to settle down!" He decreed to the princess and her bodyguard who now looked hilariously guilty. 

"Wait, what about Bat-Ears?" Hak said indignantly. Calista blew a raspberry at him and he just smirked.

"Calista blends in more than anyone else here." Yoon automatically responded. Calista flashed a smirk at Hak who was now grumbling. "Even if she is stupidly stubborn."

The assassin puffed out her cheeks and now it was Hak's turn to grin.

Yona had decided to journey to find the four dragons of the legend. As soon as she had made her decision and told Hak and Calista, Ik-soo appeared out of nowhere, asking them to take Yoon with them. The boy had a gift with medicine and would be a great help to them, but when Yona had the opportunity to ask Yoon, she couldn't do it. 

Instead, she confronted Ik-soo and a difficult conversation ensued between the priest and pretty boy. Calista noted Yona's willingness to back down from a situation she didn't feel was right. It was definitely something that Ik-soo and Yoon needed to talk about on their own. The innocent princess was growing up as she was exposed to the realities of the kingdom she lived in and Calista couldn't hold back the pride she felt swelling up in her chest.

For the start of their quest, Ik-soo had pointed them in the direction of the fog covered mountains, claiming that there was a village there who had protected the bloodline. But he had also warned them that the village never received outsiders. 

And thus, their travels began.

Hak had thrown Yona in a sack earlier when they had come across a merchant and Yona was less than happy about the whole ordeal. Although, the Thunder Beast looked strangely happy with having her slung over his shoulder. 

Yoon bounced back to his normal, smarty-pants self after he had finished trading with the lone traveler. Calista was a little worried when she saw his painful parting with Ik-soo, knowing how hard it was to leave family behind. The priest couldn't stop his tears either and it tugged at her heartstrings. 

Right before they left, Yoon had evened out Yona's hair, and Calista finally got the opportunity to ask the princess about what had happened to her hair.

"I took Tae-jun's sword and cut it off to free myself. He had grabbed me by my hair to prevent me from going to Hak. Then, when I tried to help him up, we both ended up falling."

Calista raised an eyebrow at that. "I'm surprised he didn't have anything to say about that afterwards when he woke up."

"I did." Hak interjected, crossing his arms over his chest. "She looks even uglier now."

Yona sputtered in annoyance, cheeks reddening with anger as she chased him around the hut and Calista watched them all with a slight smile on her face.

Something about this reminded her of their antics at the castle. 

It was refreshing to see again. 

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