Chapter 99: Leaving Sen Province

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The four of them all stayed behind to spy on the troops, leaving Kija, Yona, Jae-ha and Yoon to find another means of spying. The blue dragon was originally going to go with Kija and the others, but with his enhanced eyesight, his abilities were better served at the drop-off where he could monitor everybody's movements.

Calista plopped down on the dirt, pouting. No one was letting her do anything and Yoon had given Shin-ah very strict instructions to make sure she didn't move or do anything to somehow further damage her ankle.

The others let her brood in the corner, her brother especially not keen on letting her wander about. Zeno squatted down on the ground, resting his chin on his knees as he observed the soldiers down below.

With them busy keeping watch, Shin-ah took this opportunity to crouch down beside the girl off to the side.

She looked up and with that expression on her face, he couldn't stop a chuckle from escaping. Her petulant pout deepened as her eyes watered at the sound, but he knew it was all for show. She just looked so sad and forlorn that he couldn't resist poking her cheek. Cracking a smile, just for him, Calista leaned forward and booped his nose.

He shook his head, startled, but then a fond smile stretched across his features.

Inclining his head, he pecked her nose softly and she wrinkled it cutely, her childish facade giving way to genuine love displayed in her silver eyes.

Earlier, he had picked up on the fear that slipped through her guard. She felt like a fool to be dwelling on the shadow that had lurked behind her for so long now that he was finally dealt with, but she couldn't seem to let it go.

Pulling her close, he promised quietly, "You are safe... I am right here..."

Her mind faintly registered his words, and although she was sure how distant she appeared, her heart was no longer racing uncontrollably. Now, she felt giddy, a normal response after feeling panicky but only when she felt safe. And indeed, with her friends and especially him, she did.

Kicking her feet playfully, Calista beamed up at him with a glassy look in her eyes. She wasn't fully back yet.

Shin-ah patted her on the head as she went back to running her fingers over the lush grass beneath her. He stood up with the intent to rejoin the other two still perched at the ledge, but the arms that shot out and a desperate whine that followed had him backtracking.

He situated himself behind her, tugging her shoulders gently so that she fell back on his chest. Minding her bruised back, he tucked her head underneath his chin so that he could scope out the area while keeping her close.

And Calista closed her eyes, the happiness giving way to a deep-rooted exhaustion, enticing her to finally sleep.

The blue dragon didn't mind in the slightest, but he had to look away when Zeno's gaze landed on them, afraid he might give away how much he was enjoying having her in his arms. He couldn't hold back the fond smile, though, and it overtook his features as he brushed back the strands of hair that had fallen into her eyes.

"Beautiful..." He murmured.

Meanwhile, Jae-ha was having quite a fun time.

"Thank you for helping us gather water!!"

A village girl beamed, enchanted with the green-haired man and his band of peculiar friends that had offered to escort her and her friend to the river.

Jae-ha simply smiled charmingly. "They shouldn't make you ladies carry such heavy things. Your beautiful hands will get chapped."

Yoon leaned forward, whispering, "Why did you bring them along? It's hard to spy when they are with us."

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