Chapter 27: Shin-ah

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They both froze at the sound of a certain pretty boy's fury. 

Hak lost his grip on his glaive, and the bladed end fell to the ground, burying itself deep into the soft soil. 

Calista slipped her daggers back in her sheaths discreetly as Yoon marched over to her. Hak tried to creep past him, attempting to leave her alone with a very upset, fuming fifteen-year-old boy. 

He didn't get very far as Yoon's head whipped around so fast that Calista nearly got cut by his hair. 

"I was seeing whether or not she was okay." Hak explained dryly, clearly picking up on the murderous energy filling the clearing, but choosing to ignore it.

Calista raised an eyebrow.

That probably wasn't the most advisable course of action. 

Yoon's head nearly exploded at Hak's weak defense.


Calista pursed her lips together to stop herself from grinning at her brother being properly abashed. Hak didn't even flinch at his menacing tone.

But Yoon wasn't done with her either.

The pretty boy stomped over to her, dragging her back to campsite by her ear. 

"And you!!" He lectured her the entire way there, with Hak trailing behind them, thoroughly amused. "You're in no shape to fight!"

"Yoon~" Calista whined childishly, almost tripping over her feet as she fought to keep up with his brisk pace.

"Shut up!!!" 

He stormed into the camp, ignoring everyone's bewildered looks. Yona was thoroughly confused, wondering how Calista managed to get him so riled up in such a short period of time. 

"You hardly eat, you never sleep and your wounds are still-"

"Yoon. I'm alright."

She tried to reassure him, but he wasn't having any of it.

"You can't push yourself so far! You'll die from being so stupidly stubborn!!" Yoon criticized sharply, and she caught a glimpse of the water sparkling from the corner of his eyes.

He started to shake, and Calista hugged the trembling boy carefully as he broke down into tears. It seemed the events in Seiryuu's village had taken more of a toll on him than anyone realized.

She was kicking herself for not seeing it sooner. After Yona had fainted, she had been too consumed with her condition to notice that something was off with the youngest of their group.

"I'm sorry, Yoon."

He swatted her away, sniffling as he harshly brushed away the teardrops that had rolled down his cheeks. He muttered something about beasts and their idiocy under his breath and he strode over to Kija to check his temperature. 

Calista shuffled over Seiryuu, who was still dripping wet. Yona was trying to get him to take off his clothes so that they could dry by the fire, but he was refusing for some reason.

"You'll get sick if you stay in them." She advised him gently, pulling him to the side. Yona stared after them for a moment before helping Yoon with dinner.

"Is everything okay?" She asked him, once they were out of earshot of the others. 

He didn't answer her.

Calista crossed her arms over her chest. "What's wrong?"

Nothing happened for a second.

Then, he placed Ao in her hands and she cracked a smile.

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