Chapter 60: Strategies

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The next morning, the gang had all gathered around, collecting what food they could in order to feed the hungry villagers of their latest "conquest".

Hua Village was near Katan, and after everyone had been fed as much as the Happy Hungry Bunch could provide, they decided to discuss their next move.

Just as they sat down, Calista burst through the village gates, out of breath and holding a bulging sack. She almost tripped, spilling its contents everywhere, but Shin-ah steadied her quickly.

She didn't know how he always seemed to catch her before she fell. It was like he had a sensor turned on for when she was in trouble.

"You have impeccable timing, Shin-ah." The clumsy fighter complimented, beaming up at him as a slight blush sprinkled across his cheeks.

After thanking him properly, she held up the bag triumphantly.

Small cries of disbelieving joy echoed around the abandoned village, elders crawling out of their crumbling abodes to see what had the children so excited.

Calista distributed the fruits to them first, then broke the bread for the elders.

It was worth it.

To see the life returning in the villagers' eyes, the bounce in the children's step and echo of laughter ringing in the air, it was more than worth all of the pain and sore muscles she had to endure last night.

She handed a couple of dead ducks to Yoon, who accepted them with wide eyes, shocked. There were no rivers around here.

"Where did you go?!"

She just shot him a secret smile, not answering him.

Yoon got to work preparing the rare meat, only half aware of what he was doing while the other part of his mind was still mulling over how she was able to get her hands on such rich food. Yona had shot down a couple of scrawny birds earlier for the villagers, impressing all the children, but there were no more that made themselves known after that.

Then, Calista gave the group several apples and a canteen of fresh water. She handed each of them one, making sure everyone took a drink to keep hydrated. It had been too long since they had eaten a proper meal, and she was getting worried.

And frustrated that she couldn't better provide for them.

Kija voiced what they were all thinking.

"How did you get all of this food?"

After she handed Yoon the last one, she rummaged through the bag, pulling out a rusty axe. She tossed it to Hak, who caught it without looking.

She shot him a sharp look and he just nodded.

Yona held her apple with both of her hands, gaze flickering to the still-hungry children not too far away.

Calista watched curiously as she handed the only food she had gotten in days to the jubilant kids. Raising an eyebrow as she came back, she asked her, "Why?"

Yona looked down, twiddling her thumbs. "I'm Kouka's Princess. Isn't it my responsibility to take care of my people?"

She straightened her spine and it was then that Yona realized she had answered correctly.

Nodding in approval, Calista let out a short laugh. "Well done, Your Highness."

Yona beamed at the genuine praise happily, the smile not dimming even as her empty stomach rumbled loudly.

"Yoon, I don't understand." Kija's puzzled voice broke through the celebratory atmosphere. "If the Fire Tribe has so much land, couldn't they use it to grow crops?"

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