Christmas Special: Personal Heater [Oneshot] Modern AU (Part 3/3)

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She didn't know how long she slept for but when she came to, the excitement had evened out to a constant hum. The comforter on top of her felt heavy as she sat up, clutching her head as she did it too fast, making her head spin.

In the blink of an eye, Shin-ah was crouching in front of her, having sprinted from the kitchen when he saw her wake up.

Rubbing her legs soothingly, he eased her up, waiting until she adjusted to her surroundings before he started bombarding her with questions.

Calista shook her head to clear it, smiling at the familiar face in front of her. Her hair fell into her eyes as she leaned forward to hug him. Arms looping around his neck, she inhaled his scent and her heartbeat started to slow. His hands drifted to her waist, pulling her closer to him.

He kissed the top of her head. "... Better now?"

She nodded slightly, playing with his sweater. "Yeah, yeah, I'm okay."

His jaw clenched at her pause and he studied her closely. "... Are you sure?"

His worry touched her and her heart warmed. Weaving their fingers together, she sighed, mind now much clearer after that nap than it was before. Judging by the looks of the emptied family room and by how many lights were on in the kitchen, she was guessing she slept most of the day away.

"Yeah, I'm sure." She giggled. "I feel much better now."

He traced her jaw line, cradling her face to ensure that she wasn't lying or hiding anything from him. But her gaze was clear and she wasn't trembling anymore. Bringing their intertwined hands up, he pressed a soft kiss to the back of hers.

Resting his head against it, he breathed out, in relief, "Thank goodness..."

He felt as though a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. Pulling her to her feet, he ducked his head down and whispered in her ear. "Come eat... You haven't all day."

Conceding without a fight, she allowed him to lead her into the kitchen.

Yoon and Jae-ha were cooking something on the stovetop, the other dragons scattered around the kitchen island. Yona was sitting by Zeno, engaged in a casual conversation that died down once she came over. Ivaylo was laying down in his bed by the back door, his scarred ears twitching every so often when there was a new sound and he opened his amber eyes, padding over to her.

Calista laughed lightly as he pushed his head against her stomach. Petting him, she looked up at Hak who was busy pestering Kija. "Where did they all go?"

Neither one of them answered, too busy acting like hooligans, so Zeno did it for them. "The little ones are asleep upstairs and the three others are watching a movie in the Mister's room!!"

"Hey!!" Hak shouted, releasing the headlock he had on Kija. "I never said they could do that, do you have any idea how much trouble—"

The sound of glass shattering interrupted his sentence and he was gone before any of them could say anything, racing upstairs to see how bad the damage was.

Yona shared a look with Calista, the two of them giggling to themselves. Disrupted by the chaos, the wolf stretched lazily, walking over to Zeno to keep him company for a little while.

The raven-haired girl sat down on the bar stool, swiveling around with a gleeful smile. Swinging her feet playfully, she swayed, getting dizzy from how fast she was spinning.

Shin-ah slid his arms around her waist, preventing her from doing that anymore. She wouldn't feel so good if she kept that up. She tilted her head all the way back, pouting at him. His fingers squeezed her sides and a smile played mischievously on the corner of her lips.

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