Chapter 116: Dreams From a Long Time Ago

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With everyone's wounds tended to, the gang split up in different directions to get what the youngest needed to make a meal.

Yona convinced Hak to get some sleep, the triplets attached themselves to Jae-ha's hip and Kija was given some strict bedrest by the expert. Shin-ah was still sitting by the same tree and Zeno left to go fetch some wood for the fire.

Shin-ah had unfastened the daggers strapped to Calista's ankles as Yoon checked on her injured arm, proud that she had been careful and that it hadn't reopened during the conflict.

Picking up on her rising distress as their doctor selected some senjusou out of his medical bag, he handed it to the blue dragon, instructing him on what to do to treat her arm further so that it didn't get infected. He accepted it without question and was able to finish it quickly.

With that done, her limbs felt like jelly. The adrenaline faded, exhaustion replacing it instantly. For the first time in a week, she felt like she finally had a moment to breathe.

Calista was lucky Shin-ah's wounds weren't deep. She strayed from his side so that Yoon could check her handiwork. After a once over from him, he confirmed that he didn't need any stitches. She sat back on her knees to put his fluff over him since the only thing covering his upper body was bandages.

The pretty boy packed up his medical supplies, grumbling under his breath about how disgustingly cute they were being.

She flushed bright red as Yue and Jae-ha chimed in, teasing the two of them relentlessly. Yona giggled at the lovebirds who grew shy under all the attention they were getting.

Unable to meet Shin-ah's gaze, her eyes fixated on the ground. She shifted uneasily, a blush creeping up her neck.

He smiled at her softly, ignoring their friends' good-natured jeers and tugging her good hand. Pulling her to him, he tucked her comfortably in his side and after a beat, she sank into him. His chin resting on top of her head, he started to drift off.

Curling further into his side, Calista sighed blissfully, heavy eyelids fluttering close. His hand absentmindedly ran through her hair to help her sleep and without any more interruptions, she let sleep claim her.

And began to dream.

She was at the palace. Hiryuu Castle was getting ready for the Annual Lunar Festival and the children were confined to the far east garden so that they would be out of the way of the preparations. It had little to no traffic usually and since everyone was busy preparing for the party, they were the only ones there. 

Little Yona and Hak were playing on the lawn when a loud shriek disrupted the conversation between her and a young Soo-won.

"Yona!!" Calista exclaimed as the princess threw herself down in her lap. "What's wrong?!"

Her eyes welled up with tears and she sobbed, pointing to a bored Hak. "He pushed me!!"

"Hak." She chastised, wagging a finger at him.

"I did not!!" He denied vehemently, crossing his arms and sticking out his tongue at her.

"Did too!!" Yona cried.

"Did not!!"

"Did too!!"

"Did not!!!"

"DID TOO!!!!"

"Oy, you two." Calista interrupted as Soo-won giggled from the sidelines, picking up the princess and helping her onto her feet. "You need to get along with each other until Gramps gets back from the Five Tribe meeting."

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