Chapter 132: Warm Safety

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When morning came, Calista was feeling much more refreshed.

Yona had politely asked if she wanted them to keep their distance for the time being, seeing as how she was still shaky coming out of her self-inflicted alienation and was worried they would be too overwhelming.

But Calista shook her head, smiling reassuringly. Her memory was back, if not a bit foggy at the moment. She wanted them near, she needed them near. And she was finally ready to admit that.

Kija looked on in confusion as she kicked out her feet and waved her arms despite her visible injuries, concerned gaze landing on Hak, who had his eyebrows drawn contemplatively.

It wasn't like her to be so at ease and it certainly was stark in comparison to what had just happened but none of them were going to question it. At least, that's what would've happened if they weren't so worried about her reopening her wounds.

Shin-ah brought her arms back down, checking over her injuries to make sure she hadn't strained any of them.

"... Be careful." He murmured worriedly, kissing the crown of her head gently. "Don't move too much, okay?"

Calista clapped her hands together, then winced in pain as pain shot through her knuckles. She flashed him a guilty look as he caught her wrists, gasping slightly when he handled them with the utmost care as he brought them back down to her lap.

"No moving." He instructed firmly, shooting her a look when she protested and she fell silent, chastised.

His eyes softened when a petulant pout formed on her lips and tapped her nose lightly, making her scrunch it up with a giggle.

"... Please?" His lips barely moved but she could tell what he was saying. "For me?"

Nodding reluctantly, she obeyed him but only after wiggling around childishly to get comfortable. Her body vibrated with the illusion of energy and she forced herself to calm down, remembering what he said. He was someone she didn't want to disappoint.

After locking away herself deep inside, coming out of it made her a tiny bit delirious and she relied on those she trusted to not take advantage of her while she was in such a state. Luckily, the ones that surrounded her were definitely people that she trusted.

She was completely dependent on them until it went away.

Little by little, her childish streak faded as she became more in tune with the world around her.

Propped up against Shin-ah's chest, Calista weakly took a sip of the medicinal tea Yoon had brewed for her. She was still recovering and under the order of the pretty boy genius, was not allowed to move unless it was an emergency.

Shin-ah still hadn't let her go but she wasn't complaining. His touch was warm and she could feel it even through the layers of clothing that separated them. He caught the liquid that dribbled out of the corner of her mouth, bringing it to her lips again to ensure she drank every drop.

She tilted her head up to thank him but couldn't muster up the strength once her tired gaze fell on him.

A shadow was cast over his eyes, hiding them from view. He looked exhausted. And yet still, the soft smile he reserved just for her was stretched across his face.

Calista sat up in alarm when Shin-ah went to nuzzle the crook of her neck. To her disappointment, he pulled away. Knowing he most likely mistook it for discomfort, she whirled around so fast she winced as her ribs ached in protest.

He gripped her shoulders, making her face forward.

"Don't... move." He instructed, reminding her gently but firmly.

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