Chapter 114: End of the Fire Tribe's Rebellion

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Abandoning her horse, Calista paralleled Yona, speeding towards the group of soldiers that had stopped.

She may have been hurt but that didn't stop her from scouting where she could. Her hair had been tied up into a bun by Yoon, secured firmly in place with chopsticks. Midnight cloak billowing around her as she ran, she noticed the cold, unyielding steel braced against her ankles, bringing about a sense of comfort.

Since she couldn't fight as well as she used to be able at the moment, she had asked Yoon to strap them to her shins. He had been confused, but did as she asked.

Pressing her back up against the wall, Calista breathed hard against the confines of her mask. It was true it was a bit difficult to breathe in but at least it muffled the sound. Good thing stealth wasn't a key component of today.

She swiveled 180 degrees when she heard Yona cut off pursuit of Hazara and his men, and she released the bells in her palm down by her hip, letting it ring out softly.

Peeking around the corner, she smiled as Shin-ah raised his head, picking up on the sound and finding her instantly. Waving to let him know she was okay, she urged him to act as if he didn't notice her so that they didn't draw any attention to themselves.

The fighter dashed after them on foot but despite being far behind them as they left her in the dust, she wasn't worried in the slightest.

Trust them. Trust their abilities. Do your part.

Calista stayed alert, silver eyes scanning the village and the field up ahead. Ears perking up as they detected a scuffle behind her, she grinned.

Sidestepping his sword easily, she danced away from him as he ferociously slashed at her.

Hmmm I wonder how you found me...

She didn't attack. She merely dodged all of offensive swings with ease until he grew more and more frustrated with being unable to land a hit on her. Her body moved instinctively before her mind caught up.

He lost his footing as she twirled around him, causing him to slam face first into the opposing wall.

A knife slipped into her hand and her breathing trembled before she slowly tucked it away.

No lives...

Bending down, she studied the man curiously.

You're not a part of the Sen Province... But you don't belong to Kouka either...

It was strange. He wore no clothing that identified him with either country, and yet, how quickly he caught onto her presence when everyone else couldn't see her made her nostrils flare warily.

She couldn't place why he seemed so familiar to her, but she didn't have time to worry about it now. Stripping him clean of his weapons, she threw them in a heap near the brave villagers that had culminated outside of their huts.

"Use them if you have to." Calista quietly ordered the villagers, approval in her eyes as the teenagers nodded obediently. "Do not let them kill you without a fight."

She hastened her pace, making up for lost time. It wasn't long before she herself was overlooking the numerous soldiers that surrounded her friends.

The plan was simple.

"Calista, you're fast, right?" Yona asked curiously.

"Of course." Came the automatic reply.

"If you go tomorrow, you will do so from a distance, okay? I don't want you to get hurt."

Bowing her head, Calista crossed her right arm over her chest. "As you wish, Your Highness."

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