Chapter 63: Aftermath

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The assassin didn't leave his side as Yoon tended to him. Shin-ah had blacked out from the blood loss on Jae-ha's back the minute they got to the clearing in order to set up a medical tent. He would've treated him in the village, but with all the chaos and the bandits still lying paralyzed at their feet, it wasn't a good idea.

The wound was deep.

But he packed it to stop the bleeding before putting some senjusou on it, and then bandaged it securely.

He was sure that Shin-ah would be alright, but he couldn't say the same about her.

Calista had refused to let him tend to her wounds, stuck in her own bubble of grief and remorse. Her knees were drawn up to her chest, and adrenaline was still pumping through her veins. Her head flicked towards the slightest of sounds and movements, ears picking up the faintest traits in an effort to prevent what had just happened from happening again.

I should have been faster.

Jae-ha and Hak went to secure the bandits, leaving them on the outskirts of the town for the officers to deal with them. Zeno was his normal self, unaffected by the heavy atmosphere. Yona was the first one in the tent to check on Shin-ah, crowding the already full tent.

Even though he couldn't move yet, he could still hear them. He was starting to get some feeling back in his fingers, and would squeeze her hand every so often. She wouldn't react, only returning the gesture once in a while to provide some comfort for him.

And comforting it was, until he realized that she hadn't said a word in several hours.

A golden-haired boy burst into the tent. "Seiryuu, Seiryuu!! Do you know this is Zeno?!?!"

The yellow dragon pounced on him, only to be hauled back by an irritated Yoon. "Hey, Yellow, don't kick up a racket!!"

"What about his paralyzed body?" Kija asked worriedly as he entered.

With everyone in it, Calista was only vaguely aware of how cramped it was. She stroked her thumb over the back of his hand absentmindedly, aware of how selfish she was being, taking a comfort in him that wasn't willingly given.

He wasn't hers to cherish, she had nearly gotten him killed.

"It seems Shin-ah had used his powers in the past, so he should get over it soon." Yoon reassured him. He had done all he could for him, the rest was up to Shin-ah.

Her mind hadn't stopped telling her lies.

If I had just done more, not gotten caught, he wouldn't have had to use his powers. He wouldn't be in this state if it wasn't for me. He was trying to protect me.

"I see..." Kija mused thoughtfully, remembering how it was when he first started to receive training on how to properly use his dragon hand. But he had teachers to guide him, Shin-ah didn't have anyone to tell him what to do.

The fluffy squirrel by her dragon's side pushed an acorn up against his cheek, trying to get him to eat. She squeaked when he didn't move, and scampered around to the other side.

Calista didn't even notice.

He's hurt because of me. That child is dead because of me. It's all my fault.

Kija crawled closer, eyes softening as he gazed at his younger brother's mask. "Shin-ah, don't overexert yourself. Tell me if you need something and I'll do it."

"Zeno too, Zeno too!!"

He didn't pay attention to him, continuing, "It's difficult to control your dragon power if you're not using it right. If there's anything that you're at a loss about, you can consult with me. I'll listen to anything."

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